
Sold well in China... You’ll watch the sequel

Sounds like the perfect person to head Trumps sports tv show

He seems to be obsessed with penis...closet gay?

Is that a Santa outfit in the case

Soon to be a straight to video movie played by Michael Cera

That magic sauce is called bullshit

She's asleep in that pic

Are those even necessary? Superman in armor? Jealous of Iron Man?

Is he the same guy in the Natalie Dormer movie?

At least the dog is smarter than him

The I don't care who are these people around me but as long as I look fabulous look

Jenner needs a theme song to make it more memorable....

Sex Toy where have you been?

Ohh where havent I been....

The armor looks kinda bulky in the light...

mario lopez the celebrity gossip showhost? Not surprised

No pics?

He’s amazing

Wasnt Jack Flag with Guardians earlier?

Scenes look nice... Id watch it