That seems to work in Hollywood... remember that girl in Agents of Shield Chloe Bennet who changed it from Chloe Wang
That seems to work in Hollywood... remember that girl in Agents of Shield Chloe Bennet who changed it from Chloe Wang
So much for journalism...
they are regular children with a lifetime of pampering
She has a jaw of a macho man in this picture...
So who’s this guy again? No relation to the wine family right?
Hmm Im just hoping Marvel doesnt go down the same path as the 90s Batman movies...
When the national security decides to pay a lot of attention to reality tv, it kinda makes you wonder how worst it can get
The Dr label is just for entertainment purposes right?
Im sure she has a list of co anchors ready to go....
I couldnt afford one of those when I was young...
Whats so cute about shooting an M60 machine gun in a picnic? Is this sponsored by the NRA?
Sounds like she’s the type of person who’s desperate for attention to the point of throwing insults at anyone with a better career than her.
Wait that person on the front left.... is a dude?
Then that means he’s competent enough to be join the GOP....
looks like crap
Huh.... That’s expensive, was expecting it to be done in a castle or something
Best not even mention attention hungry people like that here so they will fade away
About time.. Their kids turned out........