
Is Indonesia still controlled by the same family?

Whats Transparent?

Geez man, we gotta help

Cant stand her. Insults someone then praises them and then insults them again....

happy friday

Thats no lady...

Whats with the eyeliner

can i dress up Princess Leia..

Im a jedi, I can see them in my mind

Im a jedi, I can see them in my mind

here you go

Ive seen Dyson fans in action... not very strong

Ive seen Dyson fans in action... not very strong

Why does she talk like a poor example of public education standards?

I see what she doesnt have....

So drive a fancy car, wear fancy clothes, put fancy lip gloss... and rob someone in a seedy motel in the middle of the desert....

Oh cmon Wendi is a crone

Nice but kinda plain isnt it?

Do you guys have a deal for a cold press juicer?

Do you guys have a deal for a cold press juicer?

Thats a ton of ego in that pic

Simply put, the man is a dumbass

Looks like a fun project... the dart shooting diy might be a bad idea...