
This reminds me of a joke about nuns riding bicycles on hills....

NY seems to be more fun that SF....

The string light coupon isnt working

The string light coupon isnt working

That’s fine. Give me my free luggage check in. 

I remember a fun game in the 90s called Tecmo’s Deception. Kinda wished you can do that with Resident Evil. 

What about this one

Who the hell puts on that much jewelry for a work meeting? 

Check out the writer in that article....

Could have sworn its Kentucky fried Concealer

I spent so much work on startups that I avoid them now. I got promises that didnt go anywhere. 

Looks like someone who cant handle success very well...

My previous company of 10 years laid me off a week before I was going to take my paternity leave....

Thought it kinda looked like one of the Highway Man’s trucks...

Any particular island ? Ive only been to the main one and Maui. I liked Maui more 

Well as long as you dont mind the traffic...

In my previous home (which I owned and not rented) the HOA complained about my string lights on my own gated yard. I needed them there because it was too dark outside. Assholes.

Bet you wont see any police nearby when someone makes a mess inside the toilets\elevator\waiting ramp.....

The first few seasons were pretty good. The last few ones kinda tamed off. 

Isnt that Porkins

Isnt that Porkins