Florida voted for a $15 minimum wage. New Jersey, Arizona, Montana, and South Dakota all legalized marijuana. People support progressive policies but neither party has built a strategy around them. Fuck off with your bullshit.
Florida voted for a $15 minimum wage. New Jersey, Arizona, Montana, and South Dakota all legalized marijuana. People support progressive policies but neither party has built a strategy around them. Fuck off with your bullshit.
“the fact that someone would get on national television and make disparaging comments about me because I’m simply trying to do my job is disgusting.”
The fuck is this bullshit? It was McConnell that fucked over Merrick Garland by not bringing the senate to a vote. Obama did his job.
Obama had spent seven half years fighting a Senate who successfully blocked EVERY single piece of legislation he publicly backed, solely out of spite. They swore they would do that the week he took office, and they never broke ranks. There was no way in hell they would have approved any Justice who wasn’t a…
If LAPD finds the shooter and instead of jail time gives him 2 weeks paid suspension, then I’ll be as upset about this attack as I am about all the other shit.
Hi, trolls in the gray! I offer the following preemptive statement, as Mr. Harriot’s humor is often too nuanced for you to understand:
“We cannot get swept away in fear,”
Trump supporters will read a book
Yeah, the worst white man Is the one who can work right alongside Black “friends” for years and years and never once “see” them. How are you gonna play with those guys, bleed with them and still not understand their pain. You have to physically, actively work hard as fuck to miss all that.
If I were worried about disrespecting the flag, I would be speaking out against the people who wear a flag patch on their uniforms while they beat an unarmed man to death.
“But if there is nothing to be worried about, then why is he worried?”
Actually, the entirety of the next President’s first term will probably be eaten up with undoing all the stupid shit. Some of it will take decades.
Max, that's FANTASTIC work. Well done.
The new paint scheme, like the administration itself, perfectly represents modern America: tacky, stupid, greedy and tasteless.
Thank you. As an almost 40 year old Black woman, I feel gaslit constantly by this idea that advocating for my own respect is somehow disrespectful to Black men. This piece is great.
I’m not at war with black men; I love them very much. I’m at war with misogynists. If you think the two are automatically synonymous, that’s on you, but that’s not a belief I hold, nor is it a generalization I’ll accept having projected upon me.
Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.