Mancy 3.0

That’s sounds stupid whether you’re high or sober.

Great, now when I go and order 3 Big Macs, 2 mcChickens, 4 large fries, 2 sundays, and whatever pork products you have, people are going to assume I’m a high filthy stoner.

This one of my big problems with these guys (and a lot of modern conservatives to boot): Their beef is with people complaining, so what do they do? Complain. Loudly and aggressively and with little in the way of honest grievance.

As someone who had their mind blown during Fight Club’s theatrical run: THIS. The way manbaby fuckheads have co-opted the movie makes me reluctant to talk openly about how much I like it these days.

You are entitled to your wrong opinion. Mr. Meseeks is awesome.

You could ask that gutless fuck, The Big Shoe, above. He certainly knows.

Everyone that claims to be a Rick, is actualy a Jerry.

Because they can’t date one, and this is their lowest common denominator way, of acting out their frustration. It’s absolutely sickening.

Like people who worship Fight Club - they don’t even get that the thing they love is mocking them.

They believe “SJWs” forced Harmon to hire women, and thus anything they dislike about this season is the fault of those women.

See also: “Breaking Bad”, goDAMMit.

Why the fuck is it impossible for these gutless fucks to let women do anything nerdy or nerd-adjacent without being harassed

The sad thing about online culture is that it is extremely easy for people to be negative to others simply because they can do it anonymously.

It infuriates me. I’m involved with comic book fandoms more so than anything else, and good god. Like how can you claim to like characters that fight to protect people and preserve life and still be such a shitty person? How can you claim to love the X-Men while not realizing that YOU WOULD BE A VILLAIN IN THOSE

It’s like people who poop in a public toilet and don’t flush.

I’d argue that R&M never really had a weak episode, except maybe for the pilot, which still did an admirably good job. Even the second installment of Interdimensional Cable is great.

And the only thing I can say is if you’re lucky enough to make a show that is really good that people like, that means some bad people are going to like it too.

Agreed. Not a weak episode in the bunch so far.

This has been the best season of Rick and Morty so far so way to go ladies.

You're Jesus, man. Can't you just take that quart Zip-Loc bag and, like, smoke up an entire Phish concert?