
Checks out. Film looks delicious.

Sub contracted to an inferior chef I bet. That’s usually what it comes down to with these ambitious architectural projects.

Wouldn’t they be African Asians at that point?

You just used both versions yourself, so by your own token, you are being malicious.

Saying “blackface is always bad, fuck context” is oversimplifying in itself. Disregarding different cultural conditions is also an oversimplification.

Sounds like you must’ve too!

That’s demonstrably untrue. Black people call other black people it and it’s fine then.

I’m able to laugh at it. Stop trying to speak for the human race in general. Everyone has their own moral compass, stop trying to force your ideals onto others.

Which is why I am a happier person.

Nobody draws the line. Stop trying to draw lines. It’s just censorship.

Of course intent is relevant. That’s why murder and manslaughter are sentenced differently.

Haha, dark past! Nice one!

There are no “African Americans” living in Japan.

I never elected you. You can shove your moral sensibilities up your arse.

That’s a pity, because the moment everyone in the world doesn’t give a fuck about it, it will stop being a problem.

Well, that makes YOU the racist. Painting a whole nation with a broad brush like that.

Exactly, where are all the people getting in an uproar at him falsely appropriating beard culture?

And saying someone is a "piece of shit" is better, is it? An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

I agree with what you say. Apart from the "no offence" bit.

Took my handle from there. That shows how much I love it. Have to say that Doom2 is clearly better than 1, but only incrementally, because of the extra monsters and weapons. Amazingly well crafted games. I love how much 3d they manage to squeeze out of maps that are secretly only 2d. There could never be a path you