
I think she might agree with you and that might be the meta-commentary here. She never flat out mentioned gamergate though, though I doubt she could, because it would make her co-workers the "classmates". I think Leo might have made similar veiled comments in the past.

Added to my watch list. This damn well better be good though, if you are recommending it on the back of Zim! I'm warning you, anonymous internet person! (video isn't working for me atm)

I liked The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack as something a bit Zimish.

If you stopped reading there, it means you managed to read:

"Any time these kids are confronted with something that tests their ability to adapt to reality and to changes to their invented realities, they turn to Dib and lash out, because he's often the one trying to point it out."

So it's amusing that you chose to

Well, that seems unlikely.

I connected fine with these guys:

I mean, I could write a list. Some reasons would be better than others, but there are plenty. At the end of the day it's basically forcing a social experiment on an audience that has paid monies for a game, not a social experiment. I think everyone would agree that more choice makes for a better game, so it's a bit

Pity about all the white guilt though. Takes the edge off it.

Isn't rust a "realistic" world apart from the zombies though? I think red and purple people would undermine the atmosphere somewhat. Not to mention people would stick out like mad among foliage and so on.

I suspect people will just ignore skin colour on the whole, especially as it is no indication of actual skin colour in this case, your reasons for getting it make sense though (for you, not for me).

Seems like a superficial reason to buy a game. It doesn't add anything mechanically at all.

What if it randomizes you a whitey though? Then that white guilt will come back...

You seem easily pleased by something that will add literally NOTHING to the gameplay whatsoever.

Surely being forced to be a race different to your own is the opposite of immersive? That's where one of the main arguments for "more female main characters please" comes from.

Generally if you take part in an experiment as a test subject it's YOU who is paid. This is people paying for the privilege.

Sounds like you would love Kim Kardashian: Hollywood! You should give it shot!

I also think its out of place. I think in a world with zombies, nobody would give a shit about skin colour, they would just care if you were undead or not.

Hey, do you have a link to any studies looking at what gender etc people play as in games? I would really like to read some actual science on that subject. :)

I don't give a shit who I play as in a game, be that male, female, pac-man, or square. I think people that _need_ to be "themselves" in games have deep seated ego problems.

"You're a white guy playing a black guy who kills zombies. Boo-hoo." I would hate that in real life. Seriously. Fuck zombies!

Also: "Saying racist shit about people and looking down on them is". FTFY.

Lets see how strong they are if everyone stops playing.