Yay, flying! Hope we can dodge roll mid-air. Mercy + Ana ultimate combo sounds really dangerous to me, I like this :)
Yay, flying! Hope we can dodge roll mid-air. Mercy + Ana ultimate combo sounds really dangerous to me, I like this :)
There’s also Supernatural, Fringe, Lost Girl, Charmed, and Penny Dreadful to name a few more shows. Edit: There’s also the Dresden Files, and Dracula.
Hm :/
There should be unlimited time free trial access with a level cap of 35 in the main game now if you want to pop in again.
I don’t know which I’d prefer. I’d be more interested in knowing about any potential side-story aspects to the mini game. Do we meet a team without a captain/trainer and play/train through seasons to become the best there is with cut-scenes/conversations like e.g. with the Songbirds at Little Ladies Day? The biggest…
Cute character :)
It would be nice to have an asexual romance option too, like instead of having sex, just baking a cake or watching a movie with maybe some cuddling instead <3
Agreed. Sounds like either that or Battleworld
Genji is japanese -> Japanese have a thing called friendship/obligation chocolate on Valentines Day -> Mercy and Genji are friends
I’ve never seen or played Commandos, but this reminds me of a game a friend of mine used to play when we were kids, called Desperados.
That bar fight is very amusing. Took me almost a year to discover it by myself when I went to explore the dungeon one time after the duty was complete. Now, whenever I’m tanking in Sastasha, and there are new-ish players, I bring them to it. Then I tell them to wait a small distance away while I sneak up and steal the…
Ana actually uses some form of Mercy’s tech in her rifle and bullets. Probably fast-acting nanites that break down quickly, which can either heal or damage? In a soundbite from Mercy she says to Ana “I don’t approve of what you’ve done with my technology, Ana”. Heard it yesterday in a match :)
Ooh! Praise the Twelve! Me like!
What if I have no preference? To me it’s easy to roll out two paper rectangles either way by having my hand at the top of the toilet paper roll and roll it while grabbing the paper in one motion.
A Dark Souls anime would be very appreciated instead.
A PS1 game called “The Legend of Dragoon”, a turn based JRPG, had QTEs . The QTEs were equip-able weapon attack combos. The longer a combo was (and completed), the more damage they did. Some combos required you to press a button (a combo called Madness Hero, e.g.) at precise moments, sometimes half a second in-between…
To be pedantic, a leg can’t bend all the way with the ankle up to their butt like that. Not statically at least, but maybe with a lot of acceleration in a snapping motion. The raised leg should stop short at a wider angle because of how anatomy and leg-/thigh-muscles work.
As someone who has signed up for the beta, even if you don’t want to buy a Founder’s Pack, you will be invited to free Beta Weekends during the Early Access Season.