Big Joe

I don’t know. Initially, it did sort of feel like Tony was going from 0-100 to get Cap in line, but by the end there? It absolutely sold why Cap and Tony would be fighting one another. “He’s my friend.” “So was I.” It’s the most emotional fight scene in the MCU’s history. I think it was worth it to get to that point,

Favorite: Winter Soldier - Thought it was a perfect sequel, improving on everything that worked from the first one, and by nailing the “villian” not by having him be charismatic (which is good) but by having him be this Terminator-esque boogieman.

So, you didn’t watch the third season, which gave us a massive increase of non-related Airbenders all over the world?

These are awesome and adorable. It’s comical how the game cart is not just massively small compared to the case itself, but that it’s shoved at the bottom for no reason.

What are these game cases for ants!?

I should Franchise one and anyone who pulls up to the drive thru and the attendant asks “Welcome to McDonalds, what can I get you today” and they say “Ummmm...... I’ll have thhhhheee..... Ummmm hold on....” get a nice “NO MCDONALDS FOR YOU” message and kicked out. It really is like Sinbad’s bit, It’s the same damn

He’s a man of few words

The problem isn’t the tech; it’s the workers using the tech. What they need is more tech to use the tech. Once that’s smoothed out, you can move on to tackle the problems created by the customers, but only in the interim, until you replace your customers with tech as well.

1. They know a 19 year old with a history of mental illness and run-ins with the police was easily able to get an AR-15 thanks to the NRA and GOP.

I agree, most of them probably know jack-diddly about our gun laws.

Something something Tide ad.

Alot of people came in later, so they went back to the beginning. A little behind for what other reason. Some do it on purpose so they can binge watch entire seasons. And most intelligent people know this, so it is an asshole move.

Podrick is the only survivor from the known cast. He single-handedly fathers a dynasty that lasts 1000 years. His house motto becomes “Bring the Payne”.

They should all be zombies by now with all the undead blood they’ve probably swallowed.

Can’t wait for the episode where Michonne dies because she had untreated Lyme disease. Or maybe the episode where Daryl dies after eating spoiled Possum.

I never post on these websites, but just want to say thanks for the big spoiler all across the front page of your site io9. Some of us haven’t watched yet.

Spoilers, dude!

If anyone dies from a zombie at this point in the show, they’re an idiot