Big Joe

“Don’t wanna go down that road right there. ‘Bout a year ago a journalist was crushed under a pile of loot boxes down that road.”

“Hey Herb, whaddya reckon’d be the most blatantly evil thing Konami could do with Metal Gear?”

A fast...”Google?” What is that? As I see it, there is no way to tell for sure what country is the most dangerous. How is anyone to know? Do you think that someone seriously went around to every country around the world and documented crime? No one even knows exactly how many countries there are, so how can any

Sucks but that sort of stuff shouldnt be stored in his shop at all. Should be in a secure storage facility. And if he was going to keep that stuff at a shop, it shouldnt be in a “box”. It should be in a fireproof lockbox (which should also be waterproof). Hindsight is 20/20 i guess

Every time an employee schedules a day off, but then he calls them in does he say, “I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it any further.”

No, what they say is find me a politician that doesn’t lie. Laugh, and call me a libtard. At which point I say he is a pathological liar. They then go on to say Hillary, bleh, gurgle.

exploded water main

“You should have stayed in Thailand.”

Jeeezus people, how hard can it be? You set up an Amazon Web Services account with the AmEx Sheldon gave you, push the site content to S3, enable CloudFront with the domain Joey got off Sedo with the Mercer Visa, and...

The only King thing I have that I think is pretty cool is the Richard Bachman edition of Thinner, which I managed to get the day that the news broke that King was Bachman. I’d be pretty upset if that got ruined, so I can’t even imagine what losing one of a kind manuscripts would do.

But the BEST faker of all is....

There is never not a time to use this gif. It’s the gif that keeps on giving.

It was the

But Gella, that can’t be true. He told us he was a genius, and he just aced the brain test the doctor gave him. I know you are probably considering alternative facts to come to this determination. Or, like all the media that doesn’t laud Trump, you are just biased and spreading fake news. You too could be in line for

Yes, he is. That’s why he is going to regret that “perfect” neurological test score when it’s time to assess his competence to stand trial.

So I go to a coffee shop every day to read a hard copy of the news paper... A manager ( who I’ve witnessed being a dick) there has a ring-tone of the Imperial March from Star Wars. Every time I hear it all I can think is that he is a giant douche... It let’s everyone know that he is one to be reckoned with... And

He is dumb, heeee is sooo fuucckiingg dddduuuummmbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a boss who was famous for this. He’d announce at a meeting that we were doing some major new initiative, and get really hyped...and then, weeks later...nothing. If you followed up with him, you’d win the job of “managing” the new initiative. Which inevitably led to some wide-eyed new hire attempting to do a

Destroyed by a Running Main.