Big Joe


How much money is she borrowing to be Educated but basically the same stupid at the end of the day?

On verbal and non-verbal communication:

“If you’ve got any rotting meat under the fridge, my buddy Miek might have an interest in that.”

I can’t NOT read that in Korg’s voice.

I need Thor 4 to be Korg moving in with Darryl and Thor.

Yes, the Royal Edition content will be offered as paid DLC priced at $20. If you want to know why it’s paid DLC instead of free like other updates they’ve done(Yes, I’ve seen people complain that it isn’t free.), it’s because the amount of content they’re adding in the Royal Edition is equivalent to their other DLC

In the NFL, if you get caught using weed, you are kicked off the team. But as we have seen repeatedly, wife beaters get to keep their position in the NFL. A very similar thing happened with Potter cast members. That is what he is saying.

dumbass. he’s saying that if a non-famous person is going to get removed from the movie for a minor thing like smoking weed, then a lead who has done something worse should face a steeper sanction.

that’s so clearly NOT what he said...?

Why is no one mentioning how long this motherfuckers neck is?


Except Daniel Radcliffe wasn’t using the NFL as his starting point for morally acceptable behavior. He was using it as an example to illustrate a point because the situations are similar.

Good. Here’s hoping the dude who passed Barriss the address receives similar charges.

There’s, “Oh, I’m trolling for the LOLz,” and then there’s SWATting. You call in an armed response team, you have to know there’s the potential for something to go wrong—and if you contact someone else to have them do it for you, then

It’s not amazing but it’s fun. Especially if you just want more Wizarding World hijinx. It’s especially fun seeing a muggle get heavily involved in the events.

FBAWTFT is enjoyable, but Colin Farrell was awesome, definitely the best thing in the movie...

So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who

Just like Yoda wanted to think of himself as a cool lovable muppet and not a CGI mess.

Its amusing that this scene also somewhat justifies using Christensen as Anakin’s force ghost in Jedi. Clearly they can exert control over the appearance of their astral projection, so it follows that they can also decide how they look as a ghost. And Anakin wanted to think of himself as he was before he fell (still