Big Joe

Dark souls on the switch is all the Ndirect i need, but that is just for me.

Hey, whaddya know, it turns out I AM, in fact, willing to buy Dark Souls a third time!

Dark souls on the switch. That’s burying the fucking lead right there.

Damn you! That was great.

I feel like the Switch is the right console for every games.

Twice the controller, twice the throw.

why not, it has two controllers, one to throw and one to cry into.

Or, it’s the PERFECT console for it...

Dark Souls remastered

Lol... Seinfeld: It was a show about puffy shirts.

Yeah exactly, none of the characters are direct parallels, but the kind of “these people are all terrible but we’re focusing on them anyway” is exactly the same. Like, the Seinfeld finale was about them witnessing a mugging and being tried because they did nothing but crack jokes to themselves; everyone they knew came

Cool take. Also, you’re wrong. Good day.

I found ‘Ant-Man’ to be more enjoyable, with a more interesting plot and a far better final sequence, than ‘Wonder Woman’...and I think we can all agree that ‘Ant-Man’ is a “average” Marvel when I see ‘Wonder Woman’ listed as one of the best comic book movies ever, I have to scratch my head.

This is a cop-out. They don’t have to give impassioned speeches or whatever, but they could and should have done a little more than wearing a damn pin.

I think we’re going to soon come to a point where we have to acknowledge that our society is very very sick and has been for a long time and that most people have been conditioned to be abusive or to accept abuse. We’re not going to be able to “cancel” people and embrace the “good dudes” because there won’t be any of

I think you are totally in the right here, that if you see sexual harassment and assault as a problem, say so. Actually pretty simple.

Yeaaaah, I think that’s a pretty weird thing to get angry at him about. He said: “I want to take a moment to just say thank you to Eve, who always stood by me for 22 years. And my four children — Clara, Esther, Jamyan and Anouk — I love you. ... There wouldn’t have been any Emmit Stussy without David Thewlis and

He thanked his girlfriend while he was thanking people who worked on Fargo. I keep seeing a lot about this but honestly it’s not like he said “I’d like to thank my wife for being there for me for so many years, and my new girlfriend who lets me stick it in her vagina.” It’s pretty common for people to thank costars on

At least one of them could’ve literally said that though.