Big Joe

first they came for the 12 year olds spamming slurs, and I said nothing ;.;

Oh look, Consequences! No wonder people are upset, they haven’t had to deal with such a concept in a while.

No, it’s not.

If Mackay didn’t use feminist messaging at all in her videos, she’d still have to deal with the same bullshit. There’d still be assholes accusing her of only attracting fans and attention because she’s female, and you’d still have the same conspiracy theories about her faking her videos. This sort of “fake gamer girl”

She seems really cool. The rare example of a Youtube/twitch content producer (star? I have no concept of the scale of these things) who seems intelligent, reasonable, and humble. Best of luck to her at Genesis 5!

Hey eSports is like any other competition. Not everyone got there because they’re the best. But, it is a “competition”, so you do whatever you have to do to get yourself on the stage for a chance. Which, strangely enough, is a part of how the whole concept works. You can argue all day long about the purity of the

So she admits she’s maybe just an above-average player and is just doing her thing the way she wants to do it. Sounds like the outraged anti-feminists contributed greatly to her fame with the Streisand effect.

Gaming fandom is a cancer. Holy shit, this is embarrassing as a human being.

And he does it live at Cons all over the country.

I can’t wait until he finishes this movie and the reviews comes out and then uses the excuse of bitching about this movie as being out of his “element” even though he made robin hood.

While this news is zany to the max

We’re totally getting a new version of this now that some of the countries have changed... right?! ;-)

I think so DRickard, but where are we going to find a pack of seahorses at this hour?

Are you pondering what I’m pondering?


It’s almost unbelievable.

(Brain voice) Yes!

One. Fucking. Take.

Pinky and the Brain please!