
The brilliant Obama is setting up his idiot successor; he knows Trump will reverse his orders because he just can’t help himself, he thinks he’s smarter than everybody else and at this point, he thinks he can get away with anything, and he’ll end up proving once and for all that he’s a Manchurian Candidate.

I’m not the religious sort, but sending alllll the most loving, comforting, warm vibes in the direction of Todd and Billie right now.

Thank you for everything, Carrie. For your bravery and charm and your refusal to shut up or give up. For lifting the veil off mental illness. For refusing to be ashamed. And most of all for showing my daughter that being a princess isn’t just about finding a prince. You will be so missed.


I totally see your POV, Aimée. And this is an easy subject to make fun of.

Kellyanne Conway is a terrible person, but I did think that was a funny line. Especially with all of the womanizers in the Trump administration.

Hopefully this illustrates an important point to liberals and progressives:

You mean those evil racists are also lying power hungry hypocrites that don’t use their office to serve the people but to enrich themselves and amass power?

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

The best case scenario. Sweet sweet oblivion.

Actually happening less than it used to. We just have the ability to hear about more of it.

Riiiigghhhtt show me all the times that semi-trucks have crashed and spilled 176k+ gallons of oil on important areas.

This one spill is 19+ years worth of tanker truck spills. So I think your math is a little off there. It’s cool though y’all are amazing at false equivalencies it’s how you got Trump elected.

It sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I just think it would be hard to enforce.

Perfection. I was trying to get this across, but went on a Star Trek tangent instead.

When it comes to legislation, the “Star Trek era” is a Republican’s worst nightmare. People being allowed to pursue their potential and dreams, unfettered by monetary concerns? Being allowed to attend all the schooling you could ever want, based solely on merit? Cheap and clean food, shelter, and energy? They’d

It’s almost like Trump doesn’t give a flying fuck about the common man.

Oh, good, we can have Celebrity Apprentice: Despots Edition with Putin, Dutarte, Assad, and Erdogan.


I believe that love IS the answer ... but not the kind of passive, feel-good, saccharine platitudes and symbolic kind deeds that Van Jones seems to be talking about. The kind of love that we need is challenging and revolutionary and ACTIVE, and it isn’t the same thing as simple niceness.

anything that erodes Trump’s credibility, mandate and authority—even a little—gets a vaguely helpless nod / desperate thumbs up combo from me.