
I was upset about Reince (a bad guy and the most establishment of establishment Republicans), until I saw that Bannon — a sexist, racist, anti semitic, anti-LGBQT, shit heel of a man — will have the ear of a child with impulse control for the next 4 years.

You do know a whole bunch of other people voted for him right? That only 25% of those eligible to vote voted for him right? It’s not like every white woman up & screwed the rest of us over. It sucks they voted for him, but no where near a majority of men or women voted for him. If you want to get made get mad at

This is the section of the song that killed me:

Anybody else been gassy? I was so gassy at work yesterday that when some guy was being a colossal douche I would pass by him and quietly cropdust him. Seriously I did it at least four times over the course of a day.


A true profile in courage.

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.

I felt such incredible pride watching her concede—never have I admired her more than her confronting the greatest wall of adversity any of us has ever faced in public life. She was truly presidential through each oncoming wave of adversity and malice, starting 18 months ago. She WAS the president during her speech,

Edited to removed until I get more confirmation on that.

Aww. I would have ended this post with


Here’s my take:

That is what we need. A group of actors that will stand together and say Fuck this noise. With you tube and other streaming outlets, granted Hollywood is slowly intertwined, but if they an still work without major studios, this could happen and the Hollywood Empire would fall once and for all.

Everyone has guessed Harvey Weinstein and I think they are right. Harvey is said to be one of the biggest predators in the industry. Wasn’t Weinstein the one who started that Polanski petition? If you’re a man in Hollywood you can literally get away with murder but if a woman is “difficult” or a “diva” she gets

Barry Goldwater cited Nixon’s betrayal of his own daughter’s devotion during the final year of Watergate as being among his most damning and unforgivable acts. The Trickster had just stood by and watched her defend him publicly and with a heartfelt passion, all the while knowing he was guilty as sin, and it disgusted

They should have named it “Oreo sure you are not Muslim?”

Yes, but that’s kind of the point.


I must disagree. Dean, Logan, Tristan, Max, Christopher and god forbid Jason were sexless boy mannequins.

Logan is worse than Dean, AND WHAT HAPPENED TO MARTY!