

Drew, my celebrity doppelgänger, we basically got knocked up at the same time.. Twice. So let’s get together and let our kids roll around in the grass while I peruse your closet and help you shed some old ensembles and make room for your new single lady looks. I really don’t mind.

1. Indiana Jones and Superman are properties held by separate studios so they cannot co-exist.

Why risk losing the “damn bitch had it coming” vote? That is at least half of his base, anyways.

1. No woman in a culture as oppressive and patriarchal as the Islamic Middle East (or its enclaves in the west) is truly free to choose what to wear. She may say that her choice is free, she may even believe that her choice is free, but that’s Stockholm syndrome at work. It’s no different from a slave defending his

hijab-wearing Muslim women are very well exerting agency in their dress.

Zero shock here. Whether it’s science, medicine, politics, literature, visual art, music, fashion, knitting, botany—men have historically used their alleged talent and “genius” as an excuse or cover for horrible behavior, from general assholery and misogyny to rape. I’m glad that the douchebags and criminals who also

Charlie is great, but Ray is the hands down champion of this show. He’s a Gen Y Larry David. I want a Ray spin off.

Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

knows he’s a loser. His insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, flagrant narcissism.

This is actually pretty interesting- thinking about people like my mom and all her friends. She LOVES Megyn Kelly (and is always watching Fox News) and Donald Trump. I think there probably is a lot of overlap. Her Facebook is half entertaining and half depressing. I should post a link to the Fox News story on her

You’ve got to be kidding me! So Sanders has no women at the top of his campaign and you’re all like, “well, hopefully he fixes that, nothing to see here” while Hillary employs a lot of women and it’s yet another calculated move. Get another talking point already!

The results for Bernie illustrates my problem with him. He talks a great game but he doesn’t exactly inspire by his actions. Focusing on economic issues while overlooking systemic discrimination and unconscious biases is going to result in white males benefiting the greatest. I’m not comfortable with taking a backseat

Future societies will look back at the Trump presidency as an extended and inexplicable satire of Biff Tannen’s character from Back to the Future Part 2.

So what happens when you text “TRUMP” to that number on his podium? Does a gilded furball appear to claim your soul to work on a Trump North Korea golf course labor camp?

Well shoot that’s not fair. My mom and I* were all dressed up walking around Paris one day and we didn’t make any cover :(

Beautiful and all that, but I’m seriously tired of having celebrity kids pushed on to us for admiration et al. It’s all becoming very old world nobility rules, where you don’t have to work hard to even make it in the world, just have a famous parent. Enough already.