Elephants did that for centuries though. Its not like elephant labor was invented in the last century or something.
Elephants did that for centuries though. Its not like elephant labor was invented in the last century or something.
I’m saying we should refer to more reliable sources.
Its true. Any time something just a little burnt (and delicious because of it?) that is acrylamide. This is also a reason “meat” is bad for you. Most meat is a little bit charred from the cooking process.
We can never forgive him for the Jurassic World bullshit.
Look fools, Pine is the best Chris. The only man manly enough to play a supporting actor to a leading woman.
BTW I love your screen name. You win everything.
I’m sorry my writing wasn’t clear. Samantha was older. All the other women were 37 -38 at the end of the show.
Gawd. I know there is a lot to criticize in SATC, but having watched some episodes again recently, there is still a lots that’s just so good about it. When was the last time I’ve seen a women as unapologetic as Samantha? As honest about what its like to be 37 and still want to fall in love?
I think it’s important to consider, that “incels” blame woman, and woman blame incels for how they relate to women, this is probably caused by many years of some men treating other men (who become incels) like garbage; also a case of people (incels) sympathizing with their bullies rather than themselves or the people…
Sure, but the solution should be to make all schools better, the solution shouldn’t be some schools still suck and fuck over your future, but we’re doing that equally across race now.
Further stray observation:
No. Some men are bad guys because they overly value women for their looks as opposed to any other trait. It’s shallow and doesn’t allow women to be full people.
You do you! I would never, but it always just struck me as dating for sociopaths - but in the best possible way. Love doesn’t always work so screw it, let’s just be friendly with each other and exchange money and other favors. Why not?
I don’t know what the issue is.
I was on tinder the other day and there are literally posts that START with things like ... “if you don’t wear make-up and have bangs, you’re the girl for me!” and then go on to describe how the profile writer is so attuned to life and privilege because yoga.
For real.
Some men overly…
You know what would have been really refreshing? If the preachy tones of this movie fell through revealing that - gasp! - a large number of men DO overly value women for the way they look rather than who they are - and there will never be enough confidence in the world to overcome men’s misogyny.
The “just be…
Well, yeah, just like someone good at math might suck at chemistry, or a great therapist can’t write; some one might be well positioned to go to trade school and there are various talents at that level of education too - there are still things to choose among.
tons of people do this who aren’t jews. example: my mother.
Yeah, he’s a dick but he’s sort of adult about it?
Count me in.