
You know what will talk you out of it? Read a history book. Environmental degradation has been bad before, and things got better. Think of the smog of London a century ago, or when lake Erie started on fire. The idea that it is uniquely bad now is actually rather egocentric.

If that makes sense to you, I respect and understand that. All I can offer is that creative writing has been an important healing tool for me and I feel that I do understand why people heal through art.

Can I also just say that “white feminism” is not Miley Cyrus. Like. No. Critic all you want, but don’t act like all of feminists that have been white are/were pretty young pop stars. I mean, WTF.

yeah, but i thought an education addressed that? like, he nearly screwed over her whole life, it wasnt good.

Oprah is inspiring, but she’s not the best critical thinker. E.g. Dr Phil and Dr oz.

Oprah is inspiring, but she’s not the best critical thinker. E.g. Dr Phil and Dr oz.

Are you laughing at me because all shade is subtle?

yeah, its subtle shade.

Is it really subtle shade? Harry asks him about Trump, but all he talks about is Michele.

He’s a white man, and all white men (including the ones that listen to him) are convinced they are victims, all the time.

exactly right about luke!

Yoda knew. He’s such a dick.

they should put his statue right next to Obama’s

Its a scam by the higher ups at American Airlines, to treat passengers like shit, and then shove minimum wage employees in front of you when you need to complain about it. You can’t win. You can’t yell at the higher ups, so you end up allowing yourself to be treated like crap because you can’t yell at the lowly

UFOS are real; fetuses are not.

I think he’s just saying that social media movements are here and gone, all feelings in one moment and then forgotten a week later. He wants something more sustainable and thoughtful.

That’s a plot line from revenge of the nerds.

Oh. So he was crazy.

Well, maybe it’s not “white women” it’s “white Christian women” a demographic I’ve never understood.

to that point, if she’s taken contributions from him, isn’t he referring to himself as “used”?