
The ACTUAL difference, beyond your very subjective musical judgment, is that the other three make sure to be “appropriately” vague about their sexuality, unless they’re discussing heterosexual contact, in which case they are explicit. So vague, in fact, that there are still people out there today that will argue up

Happens all the time, especially with black women. See also Ciara, Michelle Obama, plenty of others. It’s an attempt to rob them of their femininity, which they are often using to their advantage to help them succeed in a shitty misogynist world. And helps insecure men feel better about the fact that these women are

Garland is remarkably intelligent, analytical, thoughtful and empathetic. He’s a great judge. What he is not, though, is a prosecutor, and that’s the problem.

Seriously. Evil but also so. fucking. pathetic.

What make me really sad is that it seems like with a lot of the cases of missing indigenous women, there is no story to tell - not just that there’s nothing interesting to put on a podcast, but simply nothing to say. The missing women weren’t taken seriously when they went missing, there was little to no

So, so true. And the author of this piece still hasn’t figured it out.. she has yet to divorce fitness and exercise from how she looks. So when a program doesn’t make her look the way the influencer does, she gives up, instead of appreciating what exercise can do for a person outside of looks. I myself had to get to

I think it is a really interesting piece in that it hits on that very awkward part about talking about fitness or exercise. There are a lot of toxic elements there pushing unhealthy image-based processes, and even though I loved my time at Equinox , it is still staggering to me how appearance based of the elements

While I was convinced that Katie would pick Andrew in the end, my husband mansplained to me that Andrew got too real with Katie when he asked her about his career and if she would want him to give it up if they ended up together.

Peloton instructors, including Robin, intentionally, do not talk about being thin or losing weight or getting perfect bodies or looking good.  I don’t know how someone could do their workouts and come away saying that they are saying THIN=GOOD or are encouraging you to lose weight.  It’s pretty obvious they are

Hard agree. We bring ourselves to every aspect of our life—and if you’re coming into working out feeling inadequate or like you need to be more, or less, than no workout is going to fulfill that need because the need is in you.

It’s not the making of that kind of podcast that I’m saying could be an act of “performatively wokeness” — it’s the listening to it that I would think is some kind of liberal self-flagellation.

While I agree with a lot of your points, I’m not sure that I’d refer to a podcast about missing & murdered Indigenous women by an Indigenous woman as “performatively woke”.

A little bit of the backlash about true crime seems like “OK, let’s shit on more stuff that women like and judge them”

My Favorite Murder being problematic is nothing new. 

Britney is either: mentally ill. In which case her sister’s ‘perfectly shady’ postales he a garbage person.

Kitchenette goes, Pissing Contest goes, but Dirt Bag is apparently not going anywhere.

This feels more like TMZ than I’d like to see here, if I’m being honest.

Right - its someone claiming they are being abused, monetarily drained, and legally controlled by their family due to a disability and the article reads like a Jan and Marsha fight...

Came here to say this, too. Jezebel is once again talking out of both sides of their mouth. You don’t get to claim to support Britney, and then go back to the same gossip and trash-talk that is literally the poison running through her entire life. Do better. 

For the love of God, the Olympic Village beds were created to be sustainable. They were never intended to be anti-sex. There’s ONE rando on Twitter who made that stupid claim, and trash outlets like the New York Post and TMZ ran with it.