
there is a difference between a ‘back off’ nip and serious aggression in dogs and the two are not strictly related, a nip such as they describe the dog having given is essentially the same as they would give a unruly puppy, its not intended to even break the skin - humans are more fragile in that regard- Nipping is

Viscose isn’t plastic-it’s wood fiber that’s been put through a shitload of chemical processes. Still not great, still semi-synthetic and I personally wouldn’t buy it for summer clothing (cotton and linen ftw) but not plastic.

These are....not the same thing.

I feel like a lot of couples get a decade or two into a marriage and it just kinda...fizzles. Like, nothing’s terrible, but it’s not great, either. A generation or so ago, they’d probably get separate beds, maybe separate bedrooms, and mostly just lead separate lives. But now that there’s not much stigma about

The article reads like a Q-post. Occam’s razor folks.

This is just surmising. Prove there’s something to a rumour before spinning the rumour mill. Besides, Melinda took quite a few years to get a divorce if Epstein was the reason. And besides, nobody knew about him then except his acolytes. 

“no explanation as to why the couple has decided to split after 27 years”

Or maybe it’s because the youngest kid hit 18.

I noticed that too—almost like she googled regional stores and left it at that. I’m not even from Texas and I know HEB is everybody’s store!

Eh, she was great the first season but she let it go to her head and became a caricature of her self. Davina is the true underrated shit-stirring villain of the show. 

Stew Leonard’s is about as pretentious as a Cracker Barrel, and emulates a farm stand about as much as one. Like straight up down to the crazy crap on the walls.

Came here to say this. HEB is just a regular grocery chain. (Well, it’s not a regular grocery store, it’s HEB, but you get what I mean.) If HEB were a boutique market grocery store, there wouldn’t have been hours long lines of people waiting to get into them during the recent blizzard.

Now, Central Market, that’s some

HEB also has top-notch supply chain management. When other stores ran empty at the start of the pandemic last year, HEB had stuff on their shelves (less than normal, but they had it). Texas Monthly did a story on that.

Yeah I was gonna pipe in and say the same thing. HEB is probably one of the most accessible grocery stores in Texas closer to cities and communities of color. There are HEBs in San Antonio now that are basically Costcos. 

I take strong exception to the author’s lumping HEB in with these “affluent,” exclusionary grocery chains.
HEB’s stores, while certainly clean, well laid out and stocked with a variety of quality merchandise, is hardly exclusive or overpriced. The HEB stores in my city frequently undercut even Wal-Mart’s prices, and

When I lived in AZ, I thought Sprouts was a pretty run of the mill grocery store. They had really good produce sales, and everything else was like a much cheaper and less snobby version of Whole Foods. (We sell essential oils! ... and Cheetos!) Now AJ’s... that’s rich people groceries...

organic free-range-coddled-by-a-human eggs and grass-fed-brushed-a-hundred-times-a-night beef

Or Yonkers. Sure, we have some nicer sections but most of Yonkers is virtually indistinguishable from the Bronx. 

Sorry, but have you ever been to a Publix? They are SUPPOSED to be mainstream and accessible, but even their processed, non-organic, “cheap” shit is expensive. One example... their organic, anti-biotic free flank steak at SL is $8.99 per pound currently. Publix is selling their cheaper, non-organic version for $8.49

Stew Leonard’s has very good prices on butter, and I assume milk, I don’t drink milk and don’t buy it very often, because they have their own dairy farm.