
I am also quite grumpy, and I had the same reaction. Maybe it was an attempt at quirky humor, as you said, but it also sounds pretty asshol-ish.

But who knows: Maybe Aaron Rodgers will come out and say, “I never thought I’d be married to someone who played pretend in a crummier version of ‘The Hunger Games’ for a

Her last serious boyfriend was a professional athlete, so this whole “I don’t know sportsball shtick” seems a bit rehashed. But congrats to them. I’m curious how they met. .. I do like that Rodgers dates accomplished, independent women.

There has to be some middle ground between “idol worship of athletes” and “my husband to be throws balls for a living”.

If I were engaged to someone who was the very best at his job, a highly visible job that he’s passionate about, I’d probably... want to watch him do it? At least once or twice? That’s weird. 

. . . said they believed Franco established the since-shuttered acting school he founded for the purposes of attracting young women for he and his colleagues to prey on.

She’s not naïve. She’s rich. She did what any rich person would have done in that situation. It’s cold as fuck, I’m going to Cancun to the Ritz for some spa time. Notice who came back. NOT HER. Fuck you, Ted, you’re the one that wants to run for president, you go there. I’m staying here with my rich ass.

Imagine something being too embarrassing for LUKE FUCKING BRYAN

Shhh...shhh. Katy is showing off her sensitive side. 

you do realize that 1)that’s sarcasm and 2) not everyone is an nihilistic atheist right?

Luke Bryan did not want any part of this mess. Every facial expresssion he looked like he disapproved of the exploitation.

Why does she look like a completely different person in every picture of her I see?

People who call grammar classist and ableist are trivializing REAL classism and ableism.

:). I’m laughing about it, but honestly, until the term “shark week” came up, I didn’t really have an accurate way to describe what were probably the side effects of an anovulatory cycle. Basically, because no egg was released, my uterine lining kept building up, for about a fortnight, then released, insanely heavily,

As far as I”m concerned, all my periods were unnecessary. Given I was probably irreversibly infertile??? None. Of. My. Periods. Were. Necessary!!!

Nah, I know. It just rubbed me the wrong way.

I think her starting as a child star is exactly why the conservatorship was pursued. They stopped getting her money when she was an adult. It was fortuitous for them that she started having her breakdown around that time. Her dad totally used her mental health as a way to get to her money.

It is still astounding to me (and a testament to the deep, deep misogyny of our culture), that Janet Jackson’s career was so profoundly impacted by that moment. This woman, who reigned as pop ROYALTY for the two preceding decades - and one split-second nip-slip took her down.

Ehh, good on him, though it does come across as braggadocio. Certainly when I was 25, I wasn’t this thoughtful. It took a gf asking if she could leave tampons and other supplies at my place to even give it a thought. Then it was like “Oh shit! Of course!” So if he’s bringing some awareness to da bros, that’s something.

“What Joss. Did. The last. Comment I will make on this. Was. There was a rule. Saying. He’s not allowed in a room alone with Michelle again.”

If it were that easy to just throw someone in a conservatorship, Kris Jenner would absolutely have one over Kanye by now.