Yeah that reaction was a little extra and a lot ironic. They could have at least waited for you to clarify before flying off the gd handle but way to demonstrate exactly what you were talking about lol.
Yeah that reaction was a little extra and a lot ironic. They could have at least waited for you to clarify before flying off the gd handle but way to demonstrate exactly what you were talking about lol.
This is not a great look. You clearly misinterpreted that post, as pointed out by several responses.
I don’t think they’re defending anti-maskers, I think they’re describing scenarios in which shamers use evidence-based science to advocate for one behavior while ignoring evidence-based science to shame for another behavior.
That comment doesn’t even mention masks, let alone defend anti-maskers though?
He looks like he’s been through hell and she’s a health nut who has also had a shitton of plastic surgery. Even though they are both extremely wealthy and relatively close in age, it’s like a cheerleader dating the crypt keeper.
He’s like a slightly dumber, paralyzed Hitler Youth version of Kenny Powers.
It almost seems ableist - oddly coming from a guy in a wheelchair - to suggest that being fit and sporty means you have a shot at the Paralympics. Like Para is just the kiddie table to the real, adult Olympics and it takes nothing to get in.
As someone who came of age in the 90s in Jersey, with the Manhattan skyline visible from my backyard on a clear day, Friends was kind of this aspirational view of an exciting adulthood I thought I was destined for - lots of dating gorgeous women, fun roommates, all the splendor of New York City right outside the door…
I don’t have strong feelings about friends one way or the other (it’s fine, but extremely 90's in ways that kind of make you cringe to watch it now, but I definitely remember watching it in middle and high school and laughing), but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a reunion show that was good. I hope it makes people…
The Apprentice was a stupid show. But I really think it had a lot to do with Americans thinking that Trump would actually be a good boss. I, for sure, think that a lot of people took it to mean that he was, in real life, successful. And because they watched it every week they felt like the “knew” him. Ugh. Remember…
Hindsight bias.
This post feels premature. If there’s ever a movement to edit Trump out of the historical record then yes, obviously we should oppose it. Slippery slope? I guess, but the call to remove him from Home Alone 2 and Culkin’s approval strikes me more as the “eff that guy” impulse and not a real push to do any more than…
I mean, I find it bizarre that we’re going to act like this man wasn’t a widely admired figure and that Americans aren’t drawn to wealth and status... that was kind of part of the problem!
There are more Americans outside of the tristate area than within it. And plenty of people from NY and NJ still voted for him--or, at the very least, watched his TV show--knowing full well who and what he was.
No offense, but your ancestor was guilty AF.
All she had to do was say I appreciate and admire the culture, and want to help with my talents. There are plenty of good people like that. I went to USC, you’d be surprised how many rich white kids in Southern California were primarily raised by their Latin nannies. This one friend of mine spoke perfect Spanish,…
Not only that, but there is a pretty significant difference between say making food the way your (step) Grandma taught you and taking advantages educational/professional for Latinas.
This!!! Being raised by someone who is Latinx may mean you have cultural ties but you still don’t get to claim that you are something you are not. I am not sure why this needs to keep being repeated, if you are going to claim some ethnic or racial background that is not your own it is a lie. If you are non- Hispanic…
Not even a fan of the Kardashians but its gotta be hard living with someone who refuses to take their medication. And trying to keep her kids safe from that...ooof.