
That’s exactly my issue with this as well. And I do think the race parallel is fair. If my SO cheated on me with a POC, it would not suddenly be ok to use racist language. I would posit it’s these moments that try our personal ethics the most. When we’re really angry, really hurt and really amped up, can we still stop

The English language is rich with insults - I agree that steering towards some less gendered insults is pretty doable and a good idea.  

Not life in a gulag, how do you swing to such an extreme? The choices are not serve as an elected representitive, paid by taxpayers OR life in a gulag. Someone with this past (up to age 19) should have to then prove themselves to be a better person who has matured past this kind of behaviour with deeds, and very vocal

I mean, blackmailing people with revenge porn isn’t exactly in the same “middle school weird stuff” category as lying about your uncle working for Nintendo, but go off.

They need to go about 70% Biden, but I think they will. Ballot requests were 68% Democratic and 10% Independent. So hold the Democrats and get half the Independents and you are looking at 73% which is what he has been getting so far. To give you and idea, Trump’s lead was 12 points at 75% counted before these mail in b

I too got suckered in again. 4 years ago I was flabbergasted so I said I wouldn’t be so trusting. And yet I am watching 538 say that we basically had a 70% chance of the senate, and Biden was going to win Florida and NC, and Susan Collins and Tillis would lose, and I’m just so confused. Seems like all the polls were

Thank you. you really said this well. Trump winning again, and even if he loses shows that there is something happening in the party of Trump that is really attractive to people, or at least is preferable to what the left is saying. We have to figure out what that is, and do a better job of expressing it and selling

It’s probably less important what the nationwide breakdown of mail ballots has been, than what the PA breakdown of mail ballots has been, and Biden had been winning PA mail ballots by about the margin he would need to catch up to Trump.  Whether that holds, and whether it ends up being enough to catch up, is very much

I’m a PA voter who did mail-in and my vote went to Joe! I’m really, really hoping he pulls through in Pennsylvania.

I’m not disagreeing with you, but I was just watching the press conference given by the Pennsylvania Governor. It looks like they have about a million ballots un-counted, and Biden is about 500,000 votes behind Trump at this point.

Also, in case you don’t know, Croissant is a known troll. Please flag and dismiss before he really starts to haunt the thread. 

I don’t think I’m going to listen to polling at all ever again. I gotta embrace my PNW senses and just be pessimistic about everything. 

But I also think, after seeing these results, that Biden probably did have the best chance out of anyone...” yeah...

As someone in PA, I don’t feel that great about the chance of flipping PA. It seems like nearly all the mail-ins would need to go to Joe at this point??

I think it is important to note that the difference between now and 2000 is that the legal questions in the 2000 Florida race involved the recount of votes cast as opposed to finishing the actual count of legitimately cast ballots.

So, it seems quite likely Biden will win over 50% of the popular vote. The fact that we are still sweating out the results of this election just demonstrates how fucked up and irredeemable the electoral college is. If Biden wins >50% of the popular vote and loses, that is a whole different ballgame than 2000 or 2016,

Hope it was worth it to spend months and months tearing down Democrats! 

On behalf of the sane(r) 48% of Florida, I’m sorry everyone. Our state showed its ass again. I’m moving to Asheville. ><

4 x 0 = 0