
Exactly. I liked “500 Days” because back then Jezebel had hundreds of commenters and it turned into a daily free-association session. To focus on someone so innocuous as Kristen Calamari or whatever her name is was genius. Say she was spotted at a beach. People would chime in with beach stories, embarrassing beach

There’s definitely the fact that the people who watch Ellen aren’t progressives tweeting about on-set abuse. I don’t think I’ve ever watched more than 5 minutes of Ellen but the only reason I’m glad it wasn’t cancelled is that it would suck for all the people who work on the show to find themselves jobless in the

I’m surprised this hasn’t happened already, and I don’t mean that in a snarky “why wasn’t this dumb show cancelled years ago?” kind of way. The fame of Kardashian-Jenner klan transcended TV a long time ago. It probably hasn’t been their primary source of income for a longtime and probably isn’t even close to being

Totally me making this conjecture based on nothing but 14 years of casual viewing and reading Jez articles, but I feel like Kim (say what you will about Kourtney and Khloe...but Kim is the star of this vehicle and they were supporting cast) does not want to figure out how to semi-script what is going on with Kanye

So, is this like a new 5th horseman of the apocalypse sign or something? If a Kardashian isn’t on TV constantly, does vocal fry become a lost language? How will people know what nose to order off the menu?  So many questions...

Pretty much nailed it. Most of Jezebel’s articles and headlines lately have been written in a similar trend. It’s not longer reporting - it’s just clickbait and an opportunity for the author to have an internal argument (but you know, in public for all of their readers to witness) with the subject they choose to drag,

Yes to doing it at the baby shower! This makes total sense if you have to do it at all.

Depend on what test you take. In my place test is separated into two category.

Two people in the entire world so far have been thought to get the virus twice. One in Hong Kong and one in Nevada.

Yeah, it was considered news when somebody in Nevada was deemed to be infected a second time, so I’m surprised to be hearing about people who are certain they’ve had it twice.  Not saying it’s impossible, of course, but it would be notable.

Did those acquaintances positive tests both times? Just asking because until the above article mentioned Charly Jordan tested negative twice more and so the first one in Rwanda was deemed a false positive, I wasn’t sure to take her word that she had it. Anecdotally, I don’t know a lot of people who tested positive (I

Your transAtlantic pearl-clutching and finger-pointing is duly noted. 

I found this article (linked from an article linked by this article... if that makes sense) to provide a little more context about the precautions they are taking at this festival. There is also a different picture of Swinton actually accepting an award wearing a much more ordinary white cloth mask.

It’s interesting, because I’m currently reading a book about HH Holmes and I’ve been reading a lot about 19th century swindlers and been hearing a lot about them on the Lore podcast. Back then, if you wanted an identity that would get you something or make you noticed in the right circles, you could just change your

I’m sorry about your experience, but I certainly don’t think it would be better for newspapers and other publications to deliberately hide LGBTQ-adjacent articles and subjects away from the front page/cover.  Visibility is important too.

In addition to the gaping flaws in the outing claims (as already raised in the comments), the following part is, intentionally or unintentionally, misleading.

Dolezal is totally nuts but when I watched the Netflix documentary I realized why. Her parents were wacky super religious people who adopted four black children to “save” them and they were so physically and emotionally abusive to them she had to take over their care. What she did was wrong and embarrassing, but it was

I live somewhere where they’ve recently been making updates to the COVID rules multiple times a week. Sometimes I don’t know changes have been made, and different businesses have different rules, so I don’t always know every rule. I was thinking I might call my dentist to see if they’re open and what safety measures

Lol. This site loves to shit on The Atlantic, which is funny because The Atlantic is actually a widely respected news publication with well researched, well written, compelling articles. Whereas 95% of Jezebel articles are poorly researched word vomit that hasn’t even been fact checked or edited. I actually used to

Man, it’s a shame when The Atlantic follows bad habits of tabloids.