
I think my question is why is this either/or.

oh, this wasn’t quite what I expected.

I am on board with most trends but I hard agree here. I feel like it makes people with even the most “traditionally hot” bodies look... bad. I guess the point is to avoid bringing focus to the love handles? or something?

I tried to will myself to be nice about this but can’t...

IMO, and I can’t speak for everyone, the way you keep referring to this conflict as if it’s a childish concept they should get over is off-putting.

I mean... yeah? Kylie Jenner and Ariana Grande have almost the same number of Instagram followers (in the 220 million range) and Kendall is a supermodel, even if you can’t remember the older ones.

I wouldn’t say that haha. I think the Ks have a prominence that is nearly untouchable. But they’re also multiple people.

hmm I mean how closely do you follow Ariana Grande chatter? Because she’s definitely been accused of intentionally making herself seem Latina when she’s not.

the big reason Jews came to Palestine during the middle of the last century was because they were scared shitless after being hunted down and murdered in the millions. There was a period of about five years where almost no Jews left Europe, despite the holocaust going down, because there was literally *no country

how does anyone get through the past 20 years with minimal understanding of this conflict? Being an atheist is a poor excuse for international ignorance. It’s one of the most well-known, long-standing conflicts in the entire world. But ok 

I honestly wouldn’t put anything past the 1980s

I feel like you are struggling to understand the difference between “why” and “excuse.” You’re acting like all human behavior is completely random but we know it’s not. Child bullies are frequently bullied themselves or come from abusive households and all that jazz.

read please? I was doing the opposite of justifying it. I literally said she should’ve known better. It’s sick behavior. My last paragraph was just trying to understand how she even came to that point, but no need to use my comment as your soapbox jumping point.

ehhh ehhhh no. I think being edgy in public is one thing - but private messaging someone to kill themselves? That has been “not cool” for quite a while.

good point

But I don’t know who looks at a sub Chuck E Cheese grad mechanical chicken singing about egg prices and says “this is more upscale that Whole Foods”.

thank you, I was reading all these replies and feeling like I was going crazy. Viscose is not a “natural” fiber but it’s certainly not a plastic.

Amazon dresses are in everyone’s price range because they’re produced multiple times over by slave labor 

your username suggests a bias

thank you