I expected this to have more... substance but I feel like the couple lines that pop up on the Jezebel main page are pretty much as far as this got in examining the issue.
I expected this to have more... substance but I feel like the couple lines that pop up on the Jezebel main page are pretty much as far as this got in examining the issue.
FWIW stripper isn’t = prostitute....
maybe the rise of deepfake will result in revenge porn and other such tactics falling back in popularity.
hmmmmm I didn’t realize that. Def explains why it might not seem so weird to them. I guess. I just don’t understand the Scotts of the world, or their appeal to people who still wear Lip Smackers
I think you are right. I can’t imagine this being my dad and realizing he thinks women peak in attractiveness right after they graduate high school.
Amelia, that’s embarrassing, and how did I miss this romance blossoming. If you’re the first 19 year old a middle aged guy dates, okay, we understand you think it’s love. But being the second one??! Dude has some issues when none of his dates can legally enter a bar.
I picked up on that being an Econ paper. Honestly the hubris it must take to think you’re an expert in everything just because you work at Harvard and can literally invent history to make your point and no one will notice.
okay, really interesting but I still don’t get it - what are you using or losing, like your body understands better how to prep for the baby?
Though women who have had children earlier in life like she has are more likely to have less difficulty conceiving as they get older).
I feel really suspicious of this like... who would agree to that with a handshake? I assume none of these old boys are, well, young - and what happens if your landlord unexpectedly dies while you’d midway through paying off the loan?
I honestly feel like this is an okay outcome. What he did was shitty, but what he got was punished for it. Yeah he’s coming back and all, but what a huge blow to his reputation, esp. with Bachelor nation.
ugh God sexual exploration while I was still essentially a child brain - that’s one thing I’m glad I’m passed. My first “whatever” encounter was similar. First kiss + first a lot of things over than PiV sex in the backseat of a guy’s car... and I wasn’t dating him but felt the tacit pressure and also like this gave…
that’s not how straightness works, friend
do you really think Gaga wouldn’t give him money and all sorts of things too? She’s not like that man
lmao... missed that!
yeah.. it really comes down to where you live.
interesting! I’m just shocked I never heard of it (or never noticed it maybe?) until now.
Wow! I was honestly a little shocked to see this on Jezebel because I read this book probably 3-4 times as a tween/teen (it was my mom’s) but haven’t heard it referenced much since then.
you could honestly convince me pretty easily that this entire article was made up and the book never existed. That is how I feel. Like how did this book exist? And I didn’t know about it? And people actually liked it?
It didn’t click for me until this comment that they met and got engaged in under a year (since pandemic started maybe 11ish months ago but it sounds like they got engaged a few weeks or even a month or two ago?).