I kind of like it in a weird way???? Each sleeve on its own looks powerful enough to rule a monarchy
I kind of like it in a weird way???? Each sleeve on its own looks powerful enough to rule a monarchy
I don’t think it’s possible unless it was such a thin fabric as to just be more mesh lol. Even if it was double layered, it clearly LOOKS like mesh and is just a really dumb PR move for someone who knows they’re going to be in 500 photographs that day.
that was my thought too - she otherwise would have to log on and deal with people congratulating her for a baby she isn’t carrying (painful) or deal with the press leaking the news first (also painful). I wish she COULD give herself the space to mourn without posting because that just looks so raw of an experience RN,…
I’m upset that my first thought looking at Kylie was “omg... she actually looks white in this photo”
also who is the editor who keeps encouraging all these incredibly long titles?
ha yeah - and I feel like on a more mundane level, that’s why Canal St has always been so popular. People want to look like they can afford a $900 handbag because they know it signals something about “success” to everyone, but not necessarily pay for the quality of a $900 handbag.
I don’t think it’s even just influencers really...everyone wants to look as if they have a slicker, pricier, cooler life than they do. And, that probably predates Instagram. At least you don’t need to go into deep debt buying fancy cars you can’t afford, anymore ?
I’ve always wanted kids - I care about climate change but, I don’t really think anything I do is going to change the course of history (sadly). If we have a hundred million less kids but don’t collectively change our ways, the world is still going to shit. If we have the same number of kids but substantially change…
Oh yeah - my other thought on this was that it’s a bit misleading to ask get Z about their reproductive choices when it’s wildly different to consider that Q at age 20 than at age 33.
Well, I did open with MOST people - I kinda figured there’s a few exceptions ;) My impression, for what it’s worth which might not be much, is that people like you are decidedly not having kids because of climate change a lot more rare than people who are simply ambivalent about kids in the first place.
I think most people who agree that “they’re not having kids because of climate change” likely never really wanted kids in the first place.
cool. In a perfect world, he would definitely do the “right thing” out of the goodness of his heart.
my dad is a small business owner who had to lay off employees b/c they had no money in. This is what happens. Did he sell my parents’ house to pay for his employees to work? No, he did not. Do I blame him? No, dude is trying to retire within 5 years. That’s part of how they retire.
which one, the maybe he should he have given the loan back one?
he should have foreseen COVID happening when he was househunting in 2019 and not bought the house. Duh
that doesn’t make sense - it’s to protect jobs. It was definitely not meant only for “talk to customer” jobs.
he’ll just launch a gofundme
I thought they had family there? Maybe not?
I have noticed (apart and distinct from the issues created by poverty, food deserts, lack of walkable communities and public transport, etc, which are definitely huge problems!) that one issue is probably the American palate itself, which is very high in sugar compared to most places in the world.
Live, Laugh, Gun Kelly.