Different shades of blue?
Different shades of blue?
“trust them enough to buy their next game”
They are still showing the E3 video on the steam store, they are still lying and misleading people OVER A MONTH LATER.
I think this article is in the top 5 of dumbest things I’ve read on kotaku.
Nice copy pasta.
They only give you 2 hours to return it, that is not nearly enough time to explore NMS and find out that it doesn’t have ANY of the features you were really looking forward to.
Until they remove the misleading advertising videos on the store page this game is a pile of shit. No game should say it has this and that and then pull out at the last second and still sell with fake ads. It’s been 12 days(since PC release.) and they still show off the dune worm being a feature and many others that…
I’ll stop cheating once they fix their in-game radar. Close to 2 weeks now right?
They know no one wants to buy a 5 hour adventure for 60 bucks.
They know no one wants to buy a 5 hour adventure for 60 bucks.
Looks more like you just randomly put them in different places.
While I agree that the movie is NOT going to be good, posting a negative review of it WEEKS before it comes out is kinda shitty of you.
Why bother doing a softban if it’s causing more problems for players that do not know what’s going on.
Shitstorm about a female choosing not to show off her tits? Aren’t there better things to write about?
I’ve gotten POTG with Lucio quite a number of times. All the other supports suck.
Wow, is Gabe that scared of a kid on twitter? This is pathetic.
It’s going to be something really stupid and insignificant but some basement dweller will still spend hundreds of hours trying to find it anyways just so in a few months they can say “Oh I found it, that was it.”.
How is Bastion overpowered? He doesn’t have infinite range like Tor’s turret, doesn’t have instant target reaction time either.
If you can afford a new next gen console, 10 games, controllers and other accessories, online subscription service, that’s enough for a low end gaming PC that you can upgrade over time.
“On par”, I lol’d.
I bought it, played for 45 minutes, the girl gets kidnapped or what ever early on so I don’t have access to her heal. I get poisoned by a monster and it drains my health from full to zero (why would they put a poison this overpowered right at the start of the game?), I quickly die and figure it will send me back to a…