
I thought I was the only Jess-hater! Not that I was thrilled with Logan or Dean. We have “angsty teen/tortured artist”, “rich & spoiled” or “most boring boyfriend ever”. At this point can’t Rory just date a nice accountant?

Forget about adding to the Hamilton-verse, we need to get Miranda to write a play about Ben. Fascinating person, the English never cared about the “rumblings of revolution in the colonies” until old Ben entered the fray, then they sat up and said oh shit. There was a biography that came out 8-9 years ago called The

I was not too young when Raul Julia made the Addams Family and damn.....the man oozed sex. And when you add Angelica Houston...double damn. The scene where Mortica is tied to the wheel of pain and the two of them start to get turned on, if you haven’t seen the movie stop reading and go see it now.

I’m feeling much better now;)

I get what you’re saying but it worked in reverse for me. The Handmaid’s Tale is excellent but with all the real world shit going on I find it too hard too watch sometimes and end up putting something on that’ll just make me laugh (The Good Place, love,love LOVE).

The seedy dark side of weed and late night TV that no one talks about 😂

I love you

It is, you either live with it or you don’t. Love it or hate it. New Yorkers are an interesting (ok, sick and demented) bunch. And yes, I know the names of the people that work in the bodega on the corner ;)

“I’m sorry dear but I think Jacques Cousteau is dead”

“The One Where Ross Got High” is one of the best half hours of television. And Christina Pickles little monologue near the end, priceless. Hubby and I use the “it was NOT good” line at each other all the time

All hail President Zod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Great Escape, The Great Race (one of if not the only comedy Bronson did, he’s Jack Lemmon’s sidekick), and The Godfather. If I come across any of these while channel surfing I’m done, you won’t see me til it’s over.

Me too. That was insomnia tv for me. When I finally give up on sleep and just need something good to watch

Abbi and Ilana strutting in their Florida outfits, best scene of the night.

You win, everyone can go home now

I’ll always star a Ricky and Morty reference

I would be OK with this;)

That’s not nice. Now I have a mental image of Don Cheadle and Leonardo DeCaprio doing..........stuff. I’ll be in my bunk

“Sweaty forehead stress grease”, I know exactly what Chidi’s talking about, and I love him for that

I so want the shrimps dispenser! But maybe without the white chocolate