
You'll never be sober again. I'm in.

I love your reply. And like you said, baby steps. Does the church still have a long, long, looooooooong way to go to fix (or even acknowledge) all the terrible things they've done, absolutely. But the fact that he's trying I think says something and as someone upthread said, he can't go too far to the left or the

That's alright. Radical Christians acting sensibly is probably one of the signs of the apocalypse anyway.

You should be ashamed of yourself, being all logical and sensible and everything. Don't you know that doesn't work with radical Christians, any radicals actually.

Don't knock it til you've tried it.

Congratulations, you won the internets today. Brilliant.

You have to remember that the original Looney Tunes cartoons were not made for children. They were adult "shorts" that were shown before the main movie at theatres. But somewhere along the line someone decided all cartoons are for kids.


Yes! I can't find a picture, but there's a scene in On a Clear Day where she's arguing with herself. She's in bed and on a couch and her outfit match the sheets on the bed and the fabric of the couch. I love that.

I haven't been to a good defenestration in I don't know how long.

Bravo, you win the internet today.