Can a Splinter refugee get a mercy ungreying please?
Can a Splinter refugee get a mercy ungreying please?
“In the memo, Oppenheim is most concerned with pressing back on the idea that executives, himself included, did not take allegations of sexual harassment and assault seriously”
This continuing feature is WAY better than 500 days of Kristin. I just wanted to get that off my chest.
If McCain wasn’t on this show, would she have relevance? ABC News rarely has her on their set and I don’t think Faux News wants her even though her Twitter bio says she is a blonde republican and rabble rouser (she must think that is equivalent to being a maverick). Then again, maybe she is on the show because like…
Tough but fair.
“Priest placed on leave, under investigation for sexual abuse of a minor.” Unless he’s not under investigation, in which case, that’s the story.
The only issue I take with this is that people forget that Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was progressive at the time. It replaced an outright ban on LGBT people in the military (which Republicans were trying to enshrine into federal law). Don’t get me wrong, by 2011 it needed to go, but in 1994 it was bleeding edge progress.…
Oh, I thought this was going to be an article. You can’t make me watch her.
she publicly defended the Trump administration’s separation of children from their families at the border, at times describing people attempting to cross the border as a “violent mob of migrants.”
You’re not a Republican, or even an Evangelical, otherwise you would understand.
I think this is a good trend, as hair can dull guillotine blades.
Upon careful consideration, your take seems to be the correct one.
He should write a very great book on parenting. He could call it “The Art of Parenting” perhaps.
How do you know that was advice to you and not to herself? Maybe she had to remind herself that you were all young and dumb and she shouldn’t murder you.
no one wants to eat the rich when they look so unappetizing.
I believe it’s from her Fall 2019 Potato Sack/Home Ec project line.
They misspelled Colombia in the first video’s title.
My classically favorite response to this type of rhetoric is by CJ Cregg in The West Wing.