So people who embezzle money, run scams, do insider trading, commit “white collar” crimes don’t deserve to go to jail??
So people who embezzle money, run scams, do insider trading, commit “white collar” crimes don’t deserve to go to jail??
i) He deserves it, mainly because he keeps lying about it, so stop making like this is harsh, especially after you yourself said he was ready to throw the 2 guys under the bus.
Or “Hatred corrodes the container in which it’s carried”
No bad grammar would ever make it to my arm, Matt.
No worries, Matt!
I think you mean “obscene wealth”.
Ordained by God. Don’t forget that they all believe they were ordained by God to live in wealth thanks to taxing the public.
How about we build a wall around that fucking shirt?
Kanye gets on my nerves and I’m thousands of miles away from him, and don’t even know him.
Doesn’t she have people for her people?
Ivanka is simply channeling the spirit of Passover.
Why is this elitist family different than all other families?
I agree with this.
At this point, the best way to determine if you have COVID is to cough in a rich person’s face, and wait for their test results.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m not reading the statement correctly and I don’t get that this is sarcasm, but this is just not true. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.
“Redmon is “working on a tell-all memoir.” At least we now have something to look forward to!”
Or where they hang their “Jared” and “Ivanka” skin suits before slithering into their pods for a protein bath.
She should be doing shut ups instead of pull ups.
Okay you know what?
Well, she’s been able to pull herself up by her daddy’s name successfully.