You know, Madonna has said that never happened, even going so far as to testify that it didn’t happen to defend Penn during a defamation suit over it.
You know, Madonna has said that never happened, even going so far as to testify that it didn’t happen to defend Penn during a defamation suit over it.
Really? Because my last manager didn’t personally do background checks; he had HR do them. I mean, he was hilariously incompetent, but I assume that’s par for the course.
Why the hell should he have checked? I have no idea if any of the folks I currently work with are creepy weirdos with criminal pasts; that’s something that HR is supposed to check out on their way in.
With Prince Phillip still alive and kicking (and occasionally blurting out hilariously racist colonial nonsense), this is barely a yawn.
I really liked the movie Sleeping Beauty, which is almost exclusively about fetish sex work. I don’t think it’s particularly well known. The main character, who is looking for supplemental income, starts out by doing medical trials for money, then slips into fetish work. Ultimately, she ends up repeatedly taking heavy…
It really comes down to a simple truth:
Yeah, my dad was a prison chaplain for a while, and he’d just bring ex-cons over for dinner. The crappiest thing about it was that he’d only give Ma like a 45 minute warning to make an extra plate.
Are you aware that the phrase “playing as a Japanese” makes you sound like an asshole?
I think I’m a King fan? I certainly haven’t kept up with his writing because he writes like a goddamned maniac, but my brother gave me a copy of It when I was ten and I used to read it once a year religiously. (I, uh, learned to skip the underage gangbang after the first time.)
I’m sure that “All Lives Matter” t-shirt wearing woman is clamoring for the speedy arrest and charging of the cop who just killed a man.
I saw it, I liked it. I thought Moretz and Malkovich were really good in it, and played very well off each other. (And Pamela Adlon, darkly warning CK’s character that if an adolescent girl’s most repeated phrase is “I love you, Daddy,” he has messed up his parenting something fierce.)
. . . I don’t think you’re really fully informed on what deaths of starvation and dehydration look like. Because “relatively painless” is not what I’d go with.
Ma just finished a course of chemotherapy. I’ve been pretty wrecked because I’m too far away to help much, and I couldn’t find a job close enough to home to move back.
My understanding is that it’s pronounced “QUEENSLANDMATE!” That’s how the locals have introduced themselves when I’ve asked where they’re from.
I didn’t know much about it except that it had received good reviews before I went and saw it last night. I started out thinking, “Oh, this is a really funny workplace satire,” and then two-thirds of the way through the movie moved to, “I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING BUT I LOVE IT.” I was not expecting so…
I ended up at a bar sitting next to a black guy with chin-length locs, talking about this and that. I was curious about how long it had taken him to grow them out, and I said, “Hey, can I ask you a question about your hair?”
Man, you got to get current with your Snopes. That MSNBC screenshot isn’t real.
I can’t find it now, but I remember reading something from Julie Dash in which she explained that, when she was filming Daughters of the Dust, she realized that the standard film stock she was working with did not do a good job of recording the faces/skin tone of her black cast. It was created to best showcase white…
And meanwhile, scumbag governor Kim Reynolds couldn’t wait to don a strap-on and start frantically raping Mollie’s corpse, drooling with delight.
My high school mascot was supposed to be “The Rebels.” Not Civil War rebels, American Revolutionary War rebels, which made ZERO sense for a high school west of the Mississippi.