Who's Got the Pain when they do the Mambo?

My high school mascot was supposed to be “The Rebels.” Not Civil War rebels, American Revolutionary War rebels, which made ZERO sense for a high school west of the Mississippi.

I learned to love UK bacon butties for breakfast when I lived there - big, thick, floppy slices of bacon in a roll. When I can, I get the thickest-sliced US bacon I can and just scorch it a little on each side before folding it into a toasted bun. I can’t go back to crispy.

It’s a Catholic school; their core beliefs include that women who use birth control are whores and non-celibate glbt folks are dirty faggots. This girl’s parents looked at that and said, “Great, here’s my money and my child - teach her your values!”

Yeah, there was this weird narrative when the MeToo stuff started about Asia being this underdog outsider and Weinstein being a king of Hollywood, and I couldn’t stop thinking, “But . . . her dad is Dario Argento.”

Someone should be screaming abuse into this woman’s face every second of every day until she kills herself. She is a vile, selfish, evil piece of human garbage.

The rate of child sexual abuse is not higher among Catholic priests than any other demographic. Really.

I saw a screener of the film, which I thought was pretty good. The performances by Moretz and Malkovich, in particular, were so well done that it made me feel that it was a shame that those performances wouldn’t be seen (as well as all the other hard work put in by others who worked on the film). I am very glad to see

I am actually currently watching this. I was hopeful about it when I heard the concept, probably because I didn’t understand the exact genre it was. I was totally down for 13 episodes of a fat girl being tormented, getting skinny, and spending the rest of the show insatiably murdering everyone who’d crossed her. Like

Well, I mean. They made it really easy for me by also being located like 2000 miles away.

I grew up watching Andy Griffith in his titular aw-shucks show in syndication, and sometimes Matlock. (What can I say, we didn’t have cable.)

I’m on the email list for the American Family Association. They occasionally send out notices saying their members should boycott Netflix or write them strong, disapproving letters.

The first thing I ever saw Dinklage in was the mid-nineties indie Living in Oblivion, which is about a dysfunctional indie movie shoot. His character has apparently only been hired because the director (played by Steve Buscemi) thinks that dwarfs appear in dream sequences.

I am a huge horror fan and feel bad that I somehow never heard of this guy before. He is amazing and I want him to narrate every shitty movie I still have on VHS. (Including Demons, Demons 2, and Cemetery Man)

Years ago, George Clooney basically declared that anyone famous who kept a Twitter account was a moron. It may be the smartest thing I’ve heard anyone say about Twitter.

If this cunt would admit, just once, that she shouldn’t have parked in a handicapped spot to begin with, I would be able to give a shit about them.

She’s a conservative woman. She looks at the newborn in her arms and thinks, “I will only love you as long as you don’t leave our church and don’t grow up to be a filthy faggot or a tranny.”


Holy shit you sound insane.

I’m pretty sure those girls are older than 2. 

My folks are . . . not in great shape right now, and I don’t even know how to handle the mess that is helping them out.