Who's Got the Pain when they do the Mambo?

Was it? I liked the show, I’ve never seen Desperate Housewives. The marketing I had at the time was that free Hulu was the only way I saw TV, and it was a new show.

I really liked the quickly-defunct Pan Am, which was about being on the flight crew during the 60s. It did always seem like it wasn’t sure if it was a spy story or a comedy, and I was sad but not disappointed to see it go. I feel like LA to Vegas has a similar problem.

My favorite Peter Stormare accent is in the Keanu Reeves Constantine, in which he plays the devil and is apparently trying to sound like he’s from the American South.

Holy shit he looks like a poorly sculpted action figure.

THANK you. While it’s possible that the school nurse was just terrible at her job, it’s more likely that Charlie Brooker is horrifyingly ignorant about how emergency contraception works.


When my 75 (at the time) year old da confessed to me that he’d made a financial mistake and he was hoping I could help him fix it without telling my ma, my heart dropped.

This kid is hilarious. “What was she smoking? Was she smoking racism?”

I love this statue so much. I keep imagining the horrified ghost of Forrest wailing, “What is that ugly shit?”

John Hurt died this year. DIED. 

From the Omaha World-Herald story:

It’s easily the best Sondheim adaptation to film, though it doesn’t have great competition for the title.

Blackadder’s Christmas Carol on VHS.

I believe that’s Nina Morrison, part of his legal team from the Innocence Project.

It’s worth noting that they have a strict “No faggots” policy.

Now playing

For me, peak Shatner will always be the MTV awards bit with TJ Hooker, Captain Kirk, and Rescue 911 William Shatner.

I grew up with John Huston’s rich, gorgeous voice as Gandalf, and that’s still who I hear, forever.

I will take all her Airedales. It’s okay to keep a bunch of enormous dogs in a two-bedroom apartment, right?

He’s garbage, raised by garbage.

Can we please stop treating people who send their children to Catholic school as “allies?”