Who's Got the Pain when they do the Mambo?

I like to imagine the actor playing fetishy man-dog hanging awkwardly around set during shots. “’Sup?”

I absolutely support everything about that Nathan Bedford Forrest statue. Stands on private land, is hilariously insane. Win-win.

I’ve been so confused by people expressing shock over this. My understanding has always been that both the Weinsteins (Harvey and Bob) are massively controlling pricks. I mean, I don’t know of any specific rape allegations against Bob, but really . . .

The last time UW Madison students were genuinely a threat to the free exchange of ideas was when they blew up a building during the Vietnam War.

So, just to be clear, you didn’t go to a university twenty-five years ago because you felt like you were too Italian to be white . . . and that made you feel empowered enough to characterize the university now.

I would tend to say the FBI chooses to monitor the kinds of groups that the Dallas asshole belonged to - you remember Micah Johnson, who was a black separatist who murdered people? He left Black Lives Matter because they weren’t murder-y enough for him?

I’m genuinely confused. Isn’t Harvard a private university and so can do what it wants? I went to a private religious university for undergrad that had admissions stuff that would never have been okay for a public university.

Sorry, if you look at a conservative Christian program and say, “Yep, I want my kid’s behavior to be controlled by these people,” I have zero sympathy for your whining later.

“Which team are you on? It or The Thing?”

One of the reasons I am glad I live in a state without the death penalty is cases like this: prospective jurors (“coincidentally” black ones) were struck off the jury for truthfully saying that they were conscientiously opposed to the death penalty.


I legitimately began to hate this show because I felt like I had to watch the damn thing every week.

Now playing

DH Lawrence, prolific poet and essayist, wrote a whole bunch of poems about the tortoises in his garden. Specifically about them fucking. It is how I learned that tortoises scream during sex. I now have a bunch of tortoise sex videos in my youtube history, for which I refuse to apologize.

See, I thought, “Bizarro David Bowie.”

I went to my tiny religious school because it was a free ride. I didn’t know attending it would mean a friend would have her face smashed repeatedly into concrete. Wasn’t part of the adverised package.

A great reminder that basically all Catholics realize their religion is stupid, destructive, evil, but keep giving money and support to it as long as it’s not personally inconvenient to them. “Oh, who cares how much of my donation money goes towards anti-gay and anti-reproductive rights legislation while the Church

Oh, I know Catholics. The last time I asked one how she could possibly defend the evil and disgusting beliefs and practices of her faith, she screamed at me that I wasn’t allowed to question her heritage. Remind you of anyone? Like, say, someone with a Confederate flag flying from their car?

I was raised ELCA, the “nice Lutherans,” the people that you think of when you hear “Minnesota nice.” I was raised in a faith that looks at women and says they’re not inferior to men, that says they can be ordained. I was raised in a faith that says Mary was a normal human woman, not that she had to be immaculately


It’s clear that treating Catholic women with the least degree of respect makes them think they’re worthy of it.