Who's Got the Pain when they do the Mambo?

I was forced into competitive organized sports through junior high - softball and swim team, both of which I hated with a fierce passion. I hate hate hated the competitive nature of all of the physical activities I was in - particularly since I wasn't good at any of them - and, I think, associated all physical

I'm really bothered by the irresponsibility of this article in its assumptions that the prosecutors are correct. The word "allegedly" feels like a sloppy afterthought, appearing as late as it does in the article, under a headline that asserts the parents are guilty.

I suggest you send Rep. Callton helpful meditation tips that he can think about during his god-mandated missionary-style marital relations - finding a way to focus his thoughts will help him to not vomit with disgust when he realizes he's coming in contact with one of those horrific, disgusting, moist . . . oh, god, I

Don't forget, it's almost certainly also the fault of communists and atheists. (Though to some anti-abortion people, pro-choice, communist, socialist, and atheist are all the same thing.)

Ah, okay. So for you, me saying "a little iffy" is the same thing as saying, "I assume this woman can never qualify as a new mom." Apparently, you think I was the one writing in code.

Well, to be fair, that's a giant metaphor about how Israel has been acting like a whore. And that women who are lusty and have promiscuous sex are such worthless disgusting hellbeasts that they should have their noses and ears slices off, their children taken away, burned, made to suffer until they self-mutilate, and

And I hope all of them end up pretty normal, happy people living fulfilled lives, and you run into one of them some day, and you say, "Your teacher was an asshole," and they respond, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you call someone an asshole for pointing out that people shouldn't act as though they're

Well, you maybe should have actually made that fucking point when you asked the question, rather than getting pissed off at me because I mentioned that you failed to make any fucking point when you asked it.

Uh, so . . . people of West African descent are genetically inclined to have more fast-twitch muscle fibers (which are good for bursts of activity). This clearly gives them an unfair advantage in, say, sprinting competitions. If the IAAF is going to be fair about this, they should really ban most black people from a

The Book Thief is a slightly odd inclusion on the list; it wasn't originally written for or intended for a children's/YA market, and was published as just a plain ol' novel in its native Australia. When Random House brought it to the US, it decided to market it as YA fiction for its own financial reasons.

Because babies deserve to be born, but whores need to be punished.

. . . I think you may have a sort of weird vision of what "steampunk" is. I'd say that some high Victorian stuff is arguably already steampunk-y (really just the science fiction), but the genre is really more about taking the Victorian era and adding insane stuff to it - usually outlandish technology that was not

Nobody likes abortion. I'd say that most pro-choicers would love to live in a world where there was no abortion because there weren't traumatic unplanned or medically complicated pregnancies. Planned Parenthood doesn't poke holes in condoms, it does everything it can to try to make there be fewer abortions by

This was FAR too kind to that hideously bad Coleman study. It wasn't just a correlation/causation problem - she claimed that if a woman who'd had an abortion had ever, EVER suffered from depression, then that abortion was the cause. Even if she had been depressed ten years BEFORE she had an abortion, or if she was