
Some black people have thick skin and don’t let it bother them, but the enthusiasm has to run deep.

AMG: Achtung Martin Gruppe

My daily driver lacks these "essential safety features" also. I certainly don't feel any less safe than I do in any other car.

Different types of crashes affect the value?

I'm an unabashed dog parent and would support any/all pro-dog sentiment but I have a hard time getting behind this guy. I hate assholes who self-righteously assert themselves, even if they're coming from a good place. Like others have said, call the cops, break a window, good. Film (in portrait mode no less!) and

I'm sure the cameraman is without sin.

There are already cars "fit for the African market". They're the same cars that people drive everywhere else, albeit with more reliance on used imports which makes them much cheaper.

You think that is mind warping, get a load of this. The driver sits put in the open......with no top, or windshield.

Ah, my country Kenya. Am not at all shocked that fire fighters and police were looting stuff at JKIA. Police are pathetically corrupt, to the point that most crimes in Kenya are directly sanctioned by them. Anyway, I think this is an opportunity for us to rebuild JKIA to international standards. A phoenix from the

I took photos all these photos. What you said here was my Exact thought as I snapped that picture. :). Ill try and get one with the GT40 staring down the now four P cars in the garage.

Dem Parts

Hey guys,

What do you mean, 'too bad'? WEC kicks ass, and being a factory driver for one of the most prestigious marquees is certainly better than being #2 at an energy drink team.

I guess the popular reaction to this is "outrage", but I also suspect that there is an element of truth in what he says, unpopular as it may be. Saying that women don't have the "mental attitude" does not have to imply that they are somehow inferior, there IS a difference in temperament across the sexes and pointing

I'm sorry to differ, but I don't think he's sexist, or offensive. We are perfectly aware a male brain works differently than a female one. We face situations differently, so the response are different too.