
She’’s talking about me, man: I went to the Piggly Wiggly yesterday for a piece of bacon, a crisp new twenty in my pocket. But they were charging twenty-nine ninety five a slice. So bummed. And then this news came in, A pants suit! OMG! and I forgot all about the the reptile martian pedos fucking up my dreams of

“This is why people don’t take these people seriously,” Owens cried out on Fox News.

When our school was being integrated and kids were being bussed in, the white kids lined the fence and yelled, “Here comes the bus, here comes the niqqers!” Being one of only three black kids in the school and having grown up with these same white kids, I grabbed one and said, “What did you you say?”  The kid turned

To show you how full of shit the media is there was more of outrage over Joe Biden, rightfully so, calling Fox News brain dead plant Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a bitch” than Mitch McConnell basically telling all black folks that you aren’t Americans & I am doing all that I can to keep you from voting. Also why am I

“McConnell’s white pride.”

I guess he caught “these (Appel)hans.”

Look, he may be a racist piece of shit but he’s a RESPECTFUL racist piece of shit.

Just wild to me that he said, “Sorry, I only meant to shout racial slurs at YOU.”

The lawsuit says that Handley later apologized for the incident because he didn’t realize his family was there.”

“Showed her his receipt.”

White people LOVE getting away with stuff they know they shouldn’t, but will ruin their entire own lives trying to “catch” anyone else getting something they themselves didn’t get (although I suppose that other person’s skin color surely plays a factor in how batshit the white accuser will get).

As James Baldwin said “I don’t believe anything you say, because I see what you do.” I mean you could also have included Joe Manchin & Forever 16's favorite customer Kristen Sinema. I mean I plan on getting suspended from Twitter for calling out all of these clowns on Monday. Oh Tim Scott your sorry black gummed ass

It’s amazing how these clowns can whine about cancel culture while simultaneously curating lists of books that need to be banned.

Another day where white parents go on about how x, y, or z book made their child uncomforatable or how little Sally is “too young” to have to deal with such a topic.

My point is that literature is meant to make you feel something.

I took an early retirement in 2020 and I haven’t looked back. Sold my home, moved cross country, and livin’ my life. I exercise daily and have lost 30 lbs during the pandemic. It’s wonderful what one can accomplish with less stress.

Garland REALLY NEEDS to start arresting these MFers because they’re clearly not going to stop or slow down 

Someone always has to blaze the trail. Before Sidney Poitier, there was Mantan Moreland, who played “Jeff” in the racist AF 1941 movie “King of the Zombies.” This was before Night of the Living Dead, back when zombies were the more traditional version, people under a spell. Moreland plays an assistant to two white men

I love Sidney Poitier and have immense respect for him and what he accomplished. But yes a number of roles he took were “safe” roles. Honestly though, I feel by doing that he paved the way for other black actors to take on less safe roles.

Rest well, sir. My father loves him and made sure we saw his films. Both parents became fans in Africa and still celebrate him. When I was younger I reached a point where I judged him for being palatable to White folks. But as with all successive generations, I never lived through what he did nor could I fathom the