
It’s ironic that his mom died during a liposuction surgery and he’s mixed up with the Kardasian clan. Arguably, some of the most plastic and superficial people around.

What’s not included is that she was in a wet suit for hours filming and her butt got itchy. No real way to scratch it unless you rub it on something or take it off after every take and reach in there - which may not have been an option.

I’m with him on this one. You ever notice that over 50% of questions resolves themselves in a few days if you don’t reply? I hate that because I’m one who rarely goes without answering all their emails the day I get them. But every once in a while when I let a text unanswered, it’s no longer a problem 24 hrs later.

I go back and forth. If the child was dead, he would’ve been quiet. And with the seat facing backwards, I can see you not notcing if you were to toss something in the back. It’s not impossible .

I have forgotten. Esp in a the early months when literally you DIDNT have a kid a few short months before. When you’re sleep deprived and you just got out of the house and it’s already 2:00. Thank god it was only for a couple minutes. But it’s not impossible to forget a sleeping baby in the back of a car.

Sesame oil = yassss. Also some chili oil if you like it spicy. Try to get packets from a Chinese restaurant for free to test before buying a whole bottle.

Apples do not belong in sandwiches, period.

Oh my!

For the love of Ryan Seacreast and all things sacred. Please, can Kanye and Kim recover in private and not leak stories to the press?

No one lost a job in this case. Hair magazines use photos that salons and stylists submits

What kind if f receipts? Asking for real.

The Bushes didn’t even vote for him. And they’re hard core Republicans.

I’m petty so I’d probably leave a post it on the toilet saying, “see ya wouldn’t want to be ya.”

Congratulations. You’re an inspiration.

That is the most fucked up thing that Mariah could’ve done to another woman. Posting that HORRIBLE photo of her Friend....she didn’t even use a filter.

I thought it was Amy Adams.

Yes, because of the theatrics like the meat dress. Cuz usually, if you can’t sing, you offer distractions (hello Britney). But poor Britney can hardly dance anymore.

I was so fucking confused with the headline and wondered how a mom could also be the widower to the samePerson.

Then you can get $165 arm warmers

No only that, but i hyperventilate when trying to remove. Sometime I feel like I’m about to dislocate my shoulder.