Mama Penguino

My teenaged daughter has a MAKE OBAMA PRESIDENT AGAIN hat made to resemble the MAGA hat and I hate the looks she gets (amd I get) before folks see what it really says. How do these fools wear this unironically?

Please, please, please let Samuel sue, beginning with a section 1983 action. Also, there’s no field test for weed, at least in Kansas.

God, I love watching that bitch cry. These are people’s lives!

You sound like a great mom! Here’s to hoping improv leads to Second City or something else cool for Baby Lamar.

Taking this to its logical conclusion, why do these kids even need to attend school at all? Their dad’s neighbor or Biff from the country club is going to give them a job if there’s no family business to inherit or no trust fund to live on.

I. DO. NOT. CARE. Hilary Clinton is no longer news. Maybe Fox News will pick up this story? Who cares?

I might be skipping the 4th of July this year, too! Probably I don’t feel the hope for Israel that I do for the U.S. because one I can do something about (or at least feel like I am, e.g., voting) and the other seems so far out of my reach. You make an excellent point and I try to remember the people who went to

Absolutely. I think more American Jews are awakening to this Netanyahu bull$hit after Trump was elected. Reform Jews, in particular, of which I am one, watched our so-called people cozy up with him and even applaud him at AIPAC. I do not understand Jews who are into the Christian masses who fetishize Judaism. Remember

Love her or hate her, I admire her decision to cease treatment. My mother and father died this way and there’s a certain amount of grace in going gentle into that good night. My in-laws get every known medical treatment known to humankind and are largely bags of bones lying in beds 24/7. I hope I’ll be ready to say

My concerns regarding Coachella and any other music festival, in no particular order: where I’m going to sit, is the bathroom clean, am I hot (temp), how far is the walk to the car, will I be crowded. In other words, I am your mom.

Must we still call them “rape” fantasies? By its very definition, rape cannot be a fantasy because it’s unwanted. I believe there are women who fantasize about being sexually overpowered by a man, but if we’re going to say it’s a rape fantasy, then it must include true disgust, terror, repulsion and horror.

As a Jew, Mr. Farrakhan is not for me. I’m a proud member and supporter of True Islam. But until another community steps up and does for the Black community what the NOI does, it behooves the rest of us to STFU.

But are they protesting eating the animals or the treatment of them?

Jim Halpert, right? Cause I voted for him.

White people have had a big week! Here’s to all the sad, misunderstood loners who felt it necessary to express themselves with Twitter, AR-15s, and the endless supply of excuses, thought & prayers and xenophobia. I think we’d all like to get off this bus.

Stassa, will you please correct the spelling of Aidan’s name in your post?

In other news, water found to be wet. Nice little backside? You’re not a fucking baby, Brigette.

Pamela Anderson is slowly morphing into Jocelyn Wildenstein.