
But finding a male lead in his 20s who can act and sing has proven difficult — especially since the studio wants someone of Middle-Eastern or Indian descent 

Proud Polish girl here. Yes, we used it a lot. Additionally, it was used as background/profile picture on Facebook by half of my friends. I had it for months. I think it’s because Polish goverment tried to make women nothing else than walking uteruses, and the uterus responsed in a simple, yet meaningful way. It’s

I can’t help but roll my eyes at the OP prefacing the comment with mentioning being Latino, like that would somehow make it a-okay to place some blame on these kids.

As a currently pregnant person, I’d like to tell this man to fuck the fuck off with his host bullshit. I wanted this baby and pregnancy is miserable as FUCK. This isn’t hosting, this is being bled fucking dry by a goddamned alien (if you’re reading this in the future, little dude, just know that I mean every fucking

And yet again, it’s overwhelmingly POC that are taking a stand. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’m tired of white silence.

I dont understand why the press never ask him really specific questions. Ask him to name one black person other than Fredrick Douglass, MLK, Ben Carson, and that chick from the Apprentice. A work of literature by a black author he found inspiring. To name 5 countries in Africa.

Its black history month so let me take this opportunity to talk about me and how unfair the press is and let me name check a few token well-known black folks, inner cities and scene.

“I don’t have any intentions of pretending that we can get along with him,” Waters said. “He has defined himself, we know who he is, we know what he cares about and I don’t why any of us would try and make ourselves believe that he is anything other than what he has shown us to be.”

The only people dog whistling about coming together are people whose lives won’t be affected by anything Trump does. Not surprisingly these are the same people writing long naive screeds about how we shouldn’t be ok with Spencer getting punched in the face because we’re supposed to be better than that. Like there’s

I’m not here for that either. I will say straight up, I want Trump to fail. I want him to fail at EVERYTHING. I would prefer that his programs didn’t go through at all but I will settle for it being a flaming failure that is so bloody obvious that Republicans don’t get considered for office for a century. There is

Good for you! I don’t know if it’s totally crazy, but I’ve been thinking of a woman I know locally who I think would make a great pol anytime I see an article like this, or read about organizations like Emerge that train women who are considering running for office. This was the final straw, I just messaged her to

Victoria has always struck me as a savvy and bright woman with a good sense of humor about herself. And she was my favorite Spice Girl— when she cut her hair short I was about 8 or 9 and decided I also needed a pixie cut. Sadly there was a shortage of “posh” (sorry) salons in rural Virginia where I grew up, so what I

That’s the really hard part of this shit. Idiots will never realize they’re idiots. It’s the “playing chess with a pigeon” story - even if you win, the pigeon struts around like he did and knocks over all the pieces and shits on the board.

I’ll start worrying about Obama’s accountability, when the GOP starts worrying about all the times they stopped him from fixing stuff.

I can’t blame a fireman for not putting out a fire when the town wouldn’t buy him a firetruck. Which is basically the only explanatory analogy anyone needs for Benghazi, but for some

I will do that tomorrow while I am at work wasting time. Wikipedia is the best for it. And if my work tracks my Wikipedia activity they probably already assume I am a serial killer who hasn't been discovered yet.