My top choice is and will likely forever remain Christian Bale. I also very much would with Robert Pattinson, Ryan Gosling, Edward Norton and Gael Garcia Bernal. Less obvious choices: Gordon Ramsay and Michael Shannon.
My top choice is and will likely forever remain Christian Bale. I also very much would with Robert Pattinson, Ryan Gosling, Edward Norton and Gael Garcia Bernal. Less obvious choices: Gordon Ramsay and Michael Shannon.
Oh man Star and Ok both had pages and pages and pages of coupons. The usual stuff: toothpaste, shampoo.
Random hook up...your butt? I'll see myself out.
I am sorry, but Baby North just outshines everyone else on the covers. She is just too cute.
"Miley's Shocking Threesome" is about how Ms. Cyrus has sleepovers with Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne and his girlfriend Katy Weaver, where they "bond over music and drugs" and Miley "worships him like a cult leader."
I've started narrating my life in tabloid voice. Today at work when I pulled my pants up and adjusted my shirt I at once "shielded my baby bump" and "flaunted my shrinking stomach."
That just looks like a towel hook to me. Apparently I don't know about butt stuff.
For reelz! I need to restock my female necessities...and assortment of Goldfish crackers.
but seriously... how DO they fit it all in a bandanna?
How does this business deal benefit Kanye in the least? If anything, it has damaged him. I'm calling this love.
Tabloids: "A stressed out Kim burst into tears." "Her epic meltdown."
Did you know that long term couples who aren't married can still live together? Without being married?
I'm not sure what you're getting at but you sound confused.
This is one of the techniques we're using!
He should've found a product that really sells... like the George Foreman Grills... hell, he could call them somethin' catchy like "Biddles Griddles"... and sell his way out of debt.
Mmmm... Biddle's Griddles....
Makes me want some pancakes. Oooo.... or Crepes. Mmmm... crepes.
I put up with crepe all day.
I work for one of their legal offices and had to do some research - when I was listing out the types of cases this law had been invoked for, I stopped the "guy faked death and called out S&R to avoid prosecution" at 72 cases. (These were only counting cases where the CG went after them to recover some of the costs of…
That is a pretty low amount of money to fake one's death. It is better off to declare bankruptcy and do a payment, then get a multi state arrest warrant. Unless he got a life insurance policy, but the insurance company won't pay out unless a body and autopsy involved, let alone trying to find an insurance company to…
U.S. Coast Guard gets capitalized.... I work for them, and you would not believe the sheer number of people who try to fake their deaths this way. Usually for the same reasons!
It is unclear where Biddle's funeral will be held, as the nearest church is in a no wake zone