Mama ain't happy

Who’s going to tell her about Mom Culture? Yes, Mrs. White (stunningly appropriate name there), women who are ~someone’s mother~ wear leggings so damn much that whole MLM empire has been built upon their “blackly naked rear ends.” Don’t ever let your precious sons venture into a Target, lest their pure virginal eyes

I’m a clinical social worker (just like Karamo!) and this article is basically every parent calling me to complain that I’m not being hard enough on their kid and change isn’t happening fast enough. Effective change comes from communicating connection and acceptance, while also leading the client to their own

Neel is a totally underrated episode. He had internalized the idea that emotion/domestic chores/grooming wasn’t “manly” and ended up completely depressed and isolated. The Fab 5 did a great job gently luring him out of his hole while still holding him accountable (isn’t that the one where Bobby made him do all the

The widower dad episode was pretty great. That trunk Bobby had carved with the mom’s handwriting?  All.the.tears.

Amazing local Western PA shout out!!!  Clems is indeed awesome.

Great article—I’ve not yet read these books, but I really appreciate a conversation about the complexities of female friendships. Breaking up with my college best friend (15 years ago!!!) remains one of my deepest shames and most painful memories. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do—no breakup of a

A million times this. Assuming this young man’s statement is sincere, he seems like a decent kid whose shitty mom thought “supporting” him meant buying his way into a fancy college, instead of you know, actually supporting him. I work in the world of fancy LA private schools and see this shit all the time—parents who

The idea of further seasons makes me itchy. Let’s allow a well-told story to, okay?


no, but that sounds amazing!

I clicked on this whispering “please be a post about corgis, please be a post about corgis” and was very disappointed.  I would have also accepted a brooch-related post, as well.  

I’ve always read it as Brienne just being unused to positive male attention, but given GOT’s less than stellar track record in this department, I totally see your take.  

Tormund makes it!!!! He lives to make beautiful warrior babies with Brienne!

I always appreciate people being friendly to my kids.  A nice smile and a wave, especially when I might be totally flustered trying to calm my kid down, is a beautiful human to human gesture.  You go, beautiful human.

JVN bounced on the screen and I got the biggest smile...that man is pure sunshine.  I can’t wait!!!

Oh man, the comments on this thread. So many of us in the Sisterhood of Chronic Illnesses, who get brushed aside and downplayed, internalizing ideas that we are lazy, crazy, over dramatic, and foolish. Sjogrens Syndrome here. Finally well maintained on the right meds, but I still occasionally pull out my labwork to

I’ve been updating all afternoon waiting for the glory of Midweek Madness. I’ve just...sniff...missed it so much!!!

I just got an email from my third grader’s school notifying parents that they did a lockdown drill today. We’ll be answering some hard questions over the dinner table tonight—at 8, she’s old enough now to “get it.” Teachers—you are fucking heroes. It’s not your job to fight off gun-wielding maniacs, or even to fight

Nancy Pelosi raised 5 kids.  She knows how to handle a willful toddler. 

Remember how “West Covina spokeswoman Scheana Marie Shay” tried to claim that being from Azusa made her an LA local? Ummm, you’re so far out in the San Gabriel Valley you might as well be Inland Empire.