Mama ain't happy

Oh man, summer of ‘99- I had just graduated high school and was working in a Dairy Queen in Cocoa Beach, FL before heading off to college. Now my two kids just came in from the backyard, loudly complaining of dizziness after spinning themselves around on the swing.

This was just delightful—a fun trip down memory lane (I’m the same age as Britney and JT and remember that terrible era in fashion all too well). Steven seems like a fun guy with a healthy sense of self-depreciation, and I agree with commenters upthread that someone needs to find Linda Stokes ASAP.  My tired, anxious

Ohhhhhh Poly is a really good guess! I went with Sequoyah b/c they tend to chase the celebrity parents, but Poly has that old money (by LA standards) vibe.  

That’s why I’m guessing Los Feliz/ Silver Lake.  Seems to be more her vibe.  

LA is Meghan’s hometown and she’s a Silver Lake Mom at her core.  Taking bets now:  will Archie go to Oakwood or Sequoyah?  Or will they go Man of the People and send him to Ivanhoe?  Time will tell...

Yup! I dug out my original early 90s Felicity from my parents’ attic this summer, and my 6 year old daughter fell in love with her. She made the whole cross-country plane trip back to our house with Felicity (in her original beige and burgundy pattern dress) tucked under her arm—she got so many delighted comments from

Now playing

Any discussion of this movie and the fashion therein is incomplete without mention of this very important cultural artifact:

Beautifully done, thank you. I’m a CA transplant, finally made my way out here and made a home after a lifetime of wandering. I totally lost it on my mom over the weekend when she started with the whole “the fires are because the greenies won’t brush out” business.  “The Greenies” are just a littttle more worried

SO. BAD.  It was like the whole performance was based on a stupid mustache.  

ALSO Branagh should have really resisted the urge to cast himself as Poirot—a blue eyed Englishman as the little Belgian detective??? Mais non! I also hated his decision to characterize Poirot as OCD. It’s been done, it was called Monk, this is not a fresh take.

Anti-vaxxers are a menace. The nature of my workplace means hundreds of children are in and out of here every week—and when a parent casually mentions that their kid isn’t vaccinated, it takes all of my therapist cool not to leap across my office and throttle them. 

Becky with the full cup.”

Reka Prasad is as goddamn rockstar.  Fellow therapist here, I was nodding in agreement to every one of her quotes.  I’m so glad that Prachi has her!


LA-based child/adolescent mental health professional here and YES to everything you said.  Some of the hardest, most frustrating cases I’ve worked on have been situations where the child just has some mild/moderate learning difference, and the parents can’t see past their own pride to actually get their kid the help

Yeah, this is a super-important detail. LACHSA is crazy competitive to get in, and is one of those elite public magnet schools that is *supposed* to give talented kids in LA County (even the ya know, not rich ones) a chance at an elite arts education. It’s not as if Huffman’s kid had to go there for financial reasons-

Bridemaid to the right rocking Converse Hi-Tops and a red hi-low dress was probably super-pissed. She was supposed the be the cool one!

HOW. DARE.YOU!!!!!!!

Agreed. She’s got to win over Kentucky voters, and this makes it seem like she knows exactly what she’s doing. I know there’s a lot of conversation (rightly so) about moderate Democrats pandering to middle-to lower-class white people, but if there’s any race where a moderate Democrat needs to appeal to middle-to

Right?! She’s a viable candidate to unseat the vile mastermind behind the toxic GOP and government dysfunction. McConnell is pure evil. Booting him out should be a top priority for anyone who gives even the slightest shit about our country, and, you know, basic human decencyMcGrath doesn’t need to be perfect, but