DBZ fighters and MHW. PSN is simply overwhelmed right now. Dissida won’t make it any better.
DBZ fighters and MHW. PSN is simply overwhelmed right now. Dissida won’t make it any better.
Amazing game, preordered it and wasn’t disappointed. Turned off hints, dug in, three and a half hours later I was done but satisfied for how quick I got through it.
So glad I upgraded my rig last May for Stormblood’s release. Dodged a bullet there...
Best thing I’ve found for myself so far for the game: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MMQsfxUgv3gSyvQObAYK-Dz2AjtdX-aCo6RkjZpxo6w/htmlview
And now I think back to my comment on the PSU from part one and I am so... SO sorry that i jinxed you. >.>
For the argument over what is and is not a sport, I have always utilized the following definition, it’s my own personal feeling but I believe it best encapsulates what really changes something from a game to a sport (remember: all sports are games, not all games are sports)- ‘A sport is any form of a game where…
Hmmm... I was right there with you as a lot of these components are they same or similar to mine. Only real differences are the memory and GPU brand as well as a different but comparable mobo. Then I got to the power supply and went, “Ehhhhhhhhhhhh....”
So to inject a pile of irony here... I honestly don’t care much for watching someone else play games. Why is this a pile of irony I hear you ask... Because I’m a primary mod for a Twitch steamer and I mod for him pretty much every night for hours on end and I have been for over a year now.
Second one is Elrond and Galadriel, specifically.
I learned after college that the vast majority of things that I learned in college weren’t actually applicable in the real world and that I needed to pick up the actual skills to go along with my ultra-expensive, mostly token sheepskin passport before I would ever get a meaningful job.
A game about opposing the rules that feels better when you oppose its rules... Sounds super-Meta to me. Are we sure that’s not the actual intent here?
The AI Shin Akuma’s attacks in SF Alpha 3 were also markedly faster than the same attacks when done by a human playing on the character once you’re unlocked it. It’s demonstrably different in a frame by frame comparison where the EXACT SAME move done by the AI traverses the frames faster than when it’s done by a human…
If you can wrap your head around paying for WoW, you really should give this a try... And I literally mean try as there is an unlimited time (though limited in level and other things) free trial. You have nothing to lose, really: http://freetrial.finalfantasyxiv.com/
They did add jump potions for a job to 60 and MSQ skip for ARR or ARR/HW... You’ll have to pay some cash, but if you want to get straight to SB you can.
You’re right, I looked back and I did say that. However, you still misses the point that there is a lot of work, a lot of actual labor goes into this and you don’t understand how wrong you are thinking anyone doing this is lazy.
Nice for quoting something I didn’t say.
Yes, I was informed of this. Unfortunately I don’t get to read every publication that Twitch puts out so I apologize that my information was slightly it of date.
Firstly, I didn’t agree with you. You think that this isn’t some kind of job but it is most certainly and to the fact that it’s actually a business. The people you say are just “sitting around asking for donations” like they’re some kind of pan handler is entirely wrong.
Didn’t even notice the typo, but whatever you do... don’t drop your pants on camera, it can get you banned. ~.^ LoL
Hmm... I manage an IT department and have a set schedule and a salary... You know what I don’t do? Bash people in the entertainment industry over what they do for a living. The people who do this for a living are entertainers, much like any other artist out there going out and performing for tips and donations until…