Is that Ivanka Trump?
Is that Ivanka Trump?
This is why Trump won.
How can you accept something that never happened? Also? Not a contest.
It's not remotely my fault you tried to get literal with a person who ended their first comment "You can either agree that it is or you can be wrong."
You don't get to dismiss Daredevil and Jessica Jones because of Iron Fist.
Iron Fist drags Netflix's average down so far that AoS wins retroactively. Plus AoS has been a brilliantly slow build: Ward's Hydra betrayal works so well because he was boring as fuck in S1. Him coming back in the Mainframe works because we thought we were finally rid of him after S3. It's a show that becomes better…
I don't need to make an argument that AoS is the best superhero show out there. You can either agree that it is or you can be wrong.
This was incredible.
Poor Tic Tac
"Dark" How do you make the DCCU more dark?
So glad they are censuring him like they've done in the past for controversial figures like Roman Polanski.
Technically, since Stan's mind wasn't completely erased, doesn't that mean that Bill was never completely erased as well?
I hate that in the present day MCU, Peggy Carter is dead. Hayley Atwell is so fantastic.
Too late, I've already started shipping Gentle Herpes with Diabolik and I have two stories and a fan art on my tumblr.
Rita has the horns, so I think that's the better choice personally
okay, Disqus Mobile app. Keep playing.
When in doubt, double down I guess.