
Man. The comment section has more basic bitches than a Jezebel post.

There’s a Mario game released *this year* that doesn’t have Peach kidnapped as the main plot.

Now I’m going to “homage” the fuck out outta them for boss battles.

“Also, Destiny Reddit is angry toxic trash right now. Stay away :(“

Doesn’t change the fact that Bravely exists.

“Straight male privilege is a thing within all races, even black people”



It’s unrated atm though and Nintendo might not be happy with a precision f-strike in the demo highlighted in the direct

Let’s pretend that Bravely doesn’t exist and that Octopath isn’t the exact same guys. That sounds productive.

It felt like they were scared to pull the trigger on an f-bomb.

No, people will complain that it *is* coming to Switch. :V

This is fantastic. Go after their money.

This was a fantastic article. Also, I think this is the first time I’ve commented on a Jezebel article. 

Octopath is sooooo good. But people who find this surprising need to get their collective asses 3DS’s and play Bravely Default and Bravely Second.

Cases like this should be tried as attempted second degree murder, because guess what would have likely happened if someone was in the area and matched that description?

I bought a Switch for Kamiko because I loved Fairune.

I audibly cursed at the final reveal. What an ending.

What’s your ID, Gita? Take responsibility for addicting me.


Oh thank god it’s on iOS. Couldn’t play something like this on Facebook. Also, this sounds like a fresh way to spice up style savvy.