
Trans people don't face any of those problems, not as an aggregate. They want you to pretend they're something they clearly aren't to make them feel good. That's asinine.

That's completely reasonable. Probably way too much wrongthink for the AV Club though.

I would say the people endlessly responding to one innocuous comment on the content of a review, a comment which represents the feelings of the majority of normal people, are a good deal more offended than I am.

I'm not whining about, I'm saying it's asinine to care. And they're not women. They'll never be women until science makes some more progress. If we ever get to a point where you can Ranma back and forth, I'd love to give it a try.

Oh yeah, cause I totally would have attacked them.

>I'll question your credibility because I've got nothing else

It's like you think I'm saying that I would constantly point and laugh and say 'it's a dude!' at any unconvincing tranny. I'm just saying I don't want to play pretend time to avoid offending them, and if somebody told me to respect their pronouns I'd probably laugh because that shit is irrelevant.

I'm not talking about insulting someone, I'm just talking about not pretending they look like a woman.

I'm not denying them their right to be themselves. How and why would my validation matter to them in any way? Old school trannies didn't need that shit.

Neither do I, if they tell me. It doesn't make it not asinine.

'It's important to know the pronoun preference of someone transitioning.'

I think you're being too kind to it. Good actors aside, it's as bland and pointless as Downton Abbey, if not as offensive in its historical revisionism. It's also not nearly as god-awful as Game of Thrones.